O propunere de adaptare pentru limba română a unei probe de fluență verbală fonematică (testul de asociere orală controlată a cuvintelor – COWAT)

O propunere de adaptare pentru limba română a unei probe de fluență verbală fonematică (testul de asociere orală controlată a cuvintelor – COWAT)

A model of addapting in Romanian language of a verbal phonemic fluency test (The Controlled Oral Word Association Test -COWAT)

Ovidiu-Cristian TUDOREAN, Alois GHERGUȚ

Verbal fluency is an indicator of good cognitive functioning. The Controlled Oral Word Association Test (COWAT) is part of the examination tools in neuropsychology. For English there are stratified standards by age and background (Tombaugh, Kozak, & Rees, 1999). The phonemic combinations used are F-A-S, C-T-L or P-R-W. These combinations are not specific to the Romanian language. This study proposes a way to identify phonemes that could be specific to the Romanian language for an adapted version of the COWAT test.

Keywords: Verbal fluency; COWAT, adaptation for Romanian language.

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2022.8.2.03

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Afazia în contextul multilingv: Abordare din perspectivă psiholingvistică

Afazia în contextul multilingv: Abordare din perspectivă psiholingvistică

Aphasia in multilingual context-a psycholingusitic approach

Mălina ȘOGOR

To begin with, the first sign depicted on people with aphasia is a language disorder, acquired after a damage to the central nervous. The existing studies in this area explain the roots of aphasia throughout a medical and phonological perspective, while the psycholinguistic approach is considerably more narrowed.
Taking into consideration the increasing number of people who are speaking more than one language and who are at risk of developing a medical condition that can lead to aphasia and other associated communication deficiencies, it is critical for speech-language pathologists to assess the situation from different angles, particularly to incorporate medical, linguistic and psycholinguistic viewpoints.
The aim of this article is emphasizing the main approaches which are being addressed in explanation of language production and understanding how bilingual persons are affected by aphasia, whereas a complex and multilingual approach is crucial to be taken into consideration during the intervention.

Keywords: communication, speech and language therapy, multiple disabilities, reflection journal, individualised approaches


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Specificul activităților de terapia limbajului și a comunicării în contextul dizabilității multiple: strategii și resurse personalizate

Specificul activităților de terapia limbajului și a comunicării în contextul dizabilității multiple: strategii și resurse personalizate

The SLT specificity in multiple disabilities: personalized strategies and resources


Students with multiple disabilities may present many challenges regarding their development in areas such as cognition, language and communication, social interaction, emotional abilities, literacy, or behaviour. The speech and language therapist is a member of the multidisciplinary team which assesses, plans, and implements specific intervention programs for children with multiple disabilities. Most of these children are strongly dependent on their parents, teachers, or therapists for every activity they carry out through the day. Depending on their communication behaviour or patterns with a certain partner, children with multiple disabilities require individualized and/or personalized programmes of communication which may include specific strategies. This paper will present the differences between individualised and personalized approaches and will propose a reflective-based tool for assessment and intervention centred on developing communication abilities for children with multiple disabilities.

Keywords: communication, speech and language therapy, multiple disabilities, reflection journal, individualised approaches


Published on line: 03/31/2022

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Eficientizarea comunicării dintre cadrele didactice și părinți prin intermediul aplicației ClassDojo

Eficientizarea comunicării dintre cadrele didactice și părinți prin intermediul aplicației ClassDojo

Increasing communication efficiency among teachers and parents by using ClassDojo

Dorina Anca TALAȘ, Carolina BODEA-HAȚEGAN, Crina Maria IANCU, Renata ORBAN

The development of communication abilities at children with hearing impairment and multisensory disabilities has to be approached within a complex and holistic program that takes into consideration the importance of symbolic communication. Widgit Symbols represent an efficient visual and multimodal modality that supports the development of intention in communication, facilitates comprehension, develops language for individuals with disabilities who have difficulties in producing or understanding language. The present case study ilustrates the modality in which a developed and implement program based on Widgit symbols determins progress in the development of communication abilities.

Keywords: communication, hearing impairment, multisensory disabilities, Widgit, symbolic communication.

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2020.6.1.02
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Utilizarea simbolurilor WIDGIT în dezvoltarea comunicării la copiii cu dizabilități de auz și dizabilități senzoriale multiple

Utilizarea simbolurilor WIDGIT în dezvoltarea comunicării la copiii cu dizabilități de auz și dizabilități senzoriale multiple

The use of WIDGIT symbols in the development of communication at children with hearing impairment and multisensory disabilities

Ioana-Letiția ȘERBAN, Andrea HATHAZI

The development of communication abilities at children with hearing impairment and multisensory disabilities has to be approached within a complex and holistic program that takes into consideration the importance of symbolic communication. Widgit Symbols represent an efficient visual and multimodal modality that supports the development of intention in communication, facilitates comprehension, develops language for individuals with disabilities who have difficulties in producing or understanding language. The present case study ilustrates the modality in which a developed and implement program based on Widgit symbols determins progress in the development of communication abilities.

Keywords:communication, hearing impairment, multisensory disabilities, Widgit, symbolic communication.


DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2020.6.1.03

Published on line: 15/03/2020

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Strategii de dezvoltare a comprehensiunii verbale la copiii cu dizabilitate intelectuală

Strategii de dezvoltare a comprehensiunii verbale la copiii cu dizabilitate intelectuală

Verbal comprehension development strategies for children with intellectual disabilities


This article studies the verbal comprehension on children with intellectual disability and the ways speech therapy can influence its development, as well as verbal memory and semantic lexical abilities.
A well-defined intervention program speech and language therapy, adapted to the particularities of the child with intellectual disability focused on clear and well-structured objectives, can have quicker results and can be obtained in a much more enjoyable way for children.

Keywords: communication, intellectual disability, verbal comprehension, lexical representations, speech and language therapy

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2017.3.2.12

Published on line: 31/10/2017


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Contrastive analysis of French and English speech sounds with educational implications in the context of visual disability. Psycholinguistic directions

Analiză contrastivă a sunetelor limbii franceze şi engleze cu implicații educaționale în contextul dizabilității vizuale.Repere psiholingvistice

Contrastive analysis of French and English speech sounds with educational implications in the context of visual disability. Psycholinguistic directions

Daniela BARTHA

In this paper we will try to make a comparative analysis concerning the sound systems of French and English language. In the first section, a short definition of language as means of communication is given and the development of foreign languages is approached. The next two sections treat some aspects of teaching foreign languages to visually impaired children, and difficulties children may have during learning. In the fourth section the main problem of the article, namely the comparative analysis between French and English sounds is brought into light with educational implications, respectively in teaching foreign languages. The aim of the last section is that of giving some conclusions about the study.

Keywords terms: language, communication, foreign languages, visual impairment, representation, attention, memoir, thinking, sounds, vowels, consonants.


Published on line: 15/03/2017


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