Relația dintre abilitarea lingvistică și resursele de reziliență din cadrul sistemului familial la copiii cu implant cohlear

Relația dintre abilitarea lingvistică și resursele de reziliență din cadrul sistemului familial la copiii cu implant cohlear

The relation between the linguistic developmental level and the resilience resources within the familial system in children with cochlear implants

Carmela Lavinia IRIMEȘ, Carmen COSTEA-BĂRLUȚIU

The training of the ability to develop and use language represents a big challenge in the rehabilitation process of children with cochlear implants. Listening and the practice of hearing represents an important part of the process, while the steps in the process of language acquisition and development need to be carefully planned, in an individualized manner. The role of the parents is central in the speech therapy of young children with cochlear implants. Families experience a high degree of distress and burden, but many of them become stronger and more resilient following the process of rehabilitation of language. The current article discusses several important aspects in the rehabilitation process of young children with cochlear implants and emphasizes the role of the family involvement, as a resource for the child and the speech therapist. A single longitudinal case study is detailed, as a model of the speech therapy in the case of a child with hearing impairment, following cochlear implant. A model of collaborative approach with the family is presented and the intertwining of the child’s progress and family adjustment in the process is discussed.

Keywords: hearing impairment, cochlear implantation, speech therapy, family coping and resilience

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2022.8.2.04

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Tipuri de hipoacuzie (
Asociația persoanelor cu deficiențe de auz „darul sunetului” – darul sunetului
Auziți acum. Și pentru totdeauna. (
***human ear | Structure, Function, & Parts | Britannica

Impactul procesului coarticulator asupra inteligibilității vorbirii la elevii cu dizabilitate auditivă

Impactul procesului coarticulator asupra inteligibilității vorbirii la elevii cu dizabilitate auditivă

The impact of co-articulatory process on children`s with hearing imparments speech intelligibility

Maria-Emilia MARTIN

The aim of this paper was to illustrate the approach of speech and language asssessment developed within the Interschool Speech Therapy Centers in Romania (Centrele Logopedice Interșcolare), at the beginning of the school year, in a pandemic context. It presents the initial evaluation of students and preschoolers, but also the way in which the complex evaluation of children identified with speech and language disorders is developed, fallowing the legislation and specific methodology. The Speech and Language Evaluation Scale is a very useful tool at this stage and beyond. This helps to condense the relevant data about children, to formulate the speech therapy diagnosis and to outline the therapeutic approach. The developed model addresses both aspects of psychomotor development and aspects of pronunciation and articulation. It is designed mainly for primary school students, but can also be applied to preschoolers. The presented case study is intended to highlight the way this model can be used, at various stages, in a specific intervention strategy.

Keywords: hearing impairments, coarticulatory process, language assessment, teaching aid, intelligibility of speech

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2022.8.1.06
Published on line: 03/31/2022

Kristiane, M., Baudonk, N., (2005). Comparison of the overall intelligibility, articulation, resonance, and voice characteristics between children using cochlear implants and those using bilateral hearing aids: A pilot study, International Journal of Audiology 44, 452-465.
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Limba italiană pentru elevii cu dizabilități auditive

h3>Limba italiană pentru elevii cu dizabilități auditive

Italian Language for hearing impaired children

Alina Cosmina COSMA

The aim of the present research was to make easier L2 or L3 Italian lessons by using modern technologies, adapted on base of a certain sampling reference: impairment and/or deficiency pupils. In our research we were using assistive-adaptive and rehabilitation technology, taking into account modern software ad hardware systems. The result of using such technologies was the lexical development by correcting the expressive level and by practicing linguistic adapted idioms.

Keywords: hearing impairments, disability, Italian, lexical development, AT (Assistive Technologies)

Published on line: 03/31/2022

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Dezvoltarea laturii morfologice a limbajului la elevii cu dizabilități auditive din ciclul gimnazial

Dezvoltarea laturii morfologice a limbajului la elevii cu dizabilități auditive din ciclul gimnazial

Development of the morphological part of the language in the secondary school students with hearing disabilities

Maria-Emilia MARTIN

The purpose of this research was to improve the morphological abilities of the language of students with hearing disability in the secondary school cycle, by using a substantive-adjective intervention program, which is based on a teaching aid.
This article presents a longitudinal case study and the results obtained by applying the following tests: informal language tasks of morphological evaluation, the MLU test and the PEAMR test

Keywords: hearing impairments, morphological abilities, language assessment, teaching aid.


DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2019.5.2.08

Hațegan, C. (2009). Modalități de evaluare și dezvoltare a competenței morfologice, teză de doctorat, Cluj-Napoca: Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai.
Hațegan, C. (2011). Abordări structuralist-integrate în terapia tulburărilor de limbaj și comunicare, Cluj-Napoca: Presa Universitară Clujeană.
Bodea Hațegan, C. (2014a). Probă de evaluare a abilităților morfologice în limba română. Aplicații psiholingvistice, E-book, Cluj-Napoca: Editura Argonaut.
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Pufan, C. (1982). Probleme de surdo-psihologie, vol 2, Editura Didactică și Pedagogică: București.

Particularități ale dezvoltării abilităților morfo–semantice în contextul protezării auditive cu implant cohlear și aparat auditiv

Particularități ale dezvoltării abilităților morfo – semantice în contextul protezării auditive cu implant cohlear și aparat auditiv

Particularities of the development of morph-semantic abilities in the context of cochlear implant and hearing aid

Roxana-Loredana PINTEA

In this paper we will study the level of development of morpho – semantic abilities of students with hearing disability, with cochlear implant and hearing aid. The samples chosen for the research consists of 6 students with hearing disability, 4th grade students from the Special High School for Hearing Impaired Cluj-Napoca, three students with cochlear implanted and three other students with hearing aids. To evaluate the morphological abilities I used Morphological Skills Assessment Test in Romanian Language (Haţegan C. B., 2014), and for the assessment of semantic abilities we used the Peabody Vocabulary Test (Dunn & Dunn, 1981). After the evaluations, the results were processed in order to identify the differences between the two groups of students, the cochlear implant pupils and the hearing aid students, the morphological and semantic abilities.

Keywords: hearing impairments, language development, vocabulary test, cochlear implants, morphological abilities

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2018.4.2.08

Published on line: 31/10/2018

Anca, M. (2001). Psihologia deficienților de auz. Cluj-Napoca: Presa Universitară Clujeană.

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Therapeutic valences for spectrographic method

Valenţe corectiv compensatorii ale metodei spectografice

Therapeutic valences for spectrographic method

Alina BOCA

The speech intelligibility degree of the hearing impaired children speech varies widely, from completely incomprehensible to almost functional. Although a number of studies have documented typical speech disorders of the hearing impaired children compared with hearing children.
Most of these studies have been limited to the analysis of perceptual errors of type phonetic and phonological. In recent years of the digital technology has greatly increased the efficiency of speech acoustics study, which may provide more precise details than perceptual analysis regarding timing and frequency distribution of acoustic energy into individual segments of speech

Keywords: speech intelligibility, spectogram, voice onset time, hearing impairments

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2016.2.1.09

Published on line: 15/03/2016


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Complex therapeutic approach

Demers complex de evaluare în contextul implantării cohleare. Studiu de caz

Complex therapeutic approach in bilateral cochlear implantation. Case study report



Bilateral implantation is considered to be an important to be used method for verbal- hearing rehabilitation. The relevance of the bilateral implantation is proven mostly related to language development, but also to the ability to identify the noise source. This article underlines a complex assessment procedure through a case study report, reflecting the fact that language development and hearing perceptive abilities reach a high level of functionality when the child relies on a biaural hearing due to bilateral cochlear implantation. This complex assessment procedure can be considered a valuable starting point in projecting auditory-verbal therapeutic program.

Keywords: hearing impairments, cochlear implantation, language assessment, bilateral implantation


DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2015.1.1.02

Published on line: 15/10/2015


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Specific intervention methods

Metode şi procedee specifice de corectare a tulburărilor de articulare a fonemelor vocalice la şcolarii mici cu dizabilitate auditivă

Specific intervention methods and techniques for correcting vowels articulation disorder in pupils with hearing impairments

Lăcrămioara URSACHE

Speech and language communication has different characteristics in hearing impaired persons. This article presents the most important aspects of communication in the hearing impairment context. Specific vowels articulation disorders in children with hearing impairment are discussed. Different methods and procedures used in speech and language therapy are presented: visual aids, dactilems, vocals prolongation, short vocals emission, short vowels emission in open syllables and closed syllables, diphthongs and triphtongs pronunciation. Individual needs are highlighted in a case study report, by choosing the best speech and language therapy methods and procedures when working with persons with hearing impairment.

Key words: vowels articulation, hearing impairments, phonological disorders, coarticulation

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2015.1.1.07

Published on line: 15/10/2015


Anca, M. (2007). Logopedie, Cluj-Napoca: Editura Presa Universitară Clujeană.

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Information and communication technologies

Programe informatice utilizate în terapia ludică la copiii cu dizabilităţi auditive

Information and communication technologies used during the play therapy for children with hearing impairments

Rodica POPESCU, Vasile Radu PREDA

Play therapy objectives and information and communication technologies for people with hearing impairment functions are identified in the first part of this article. There are many benefic aspects of using computers during therapeutic approaches when working with persons with hearing impairments. The research presents the results from 108 hearing impaired students evaluated with Verbal Comprehension Probe from Sibiu, non-verbal probe for auditory memory, auditory discrimination and sounds discrimination. During intervention the following programs were used: Detektiv Langohr, Paint Editor and Visual Stimulation Software. Conclusions reflect the improvements the students made in the following areas: digital competences, internet access and flexible perceptive-cognitive styles. Information and communication technologies can be used during the therapeutic activities in the benefit of students with hearing impairment.

Keywords: information and communication technologies, play therapy, hearing impairments.


Published on line: 15/10/2015


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