Speech and language therapy

Terapia logopedică în tulburările de deglutiție la pacientul cu accident vascular cerebral (AVC)

Speech and language therapy for dysphagia in the context of the cerebro-vascular accidents

Elena Lăcrămioara BUZZO (PRIHOI)


In the first part of this article the author presents the main implications of cerebrovascular accidents on speech. These complex implications need to be approached during the speech and language therapy in a multidimensional way. But besides the classical the therapeutic approach, the author underlines the fact that eating disorders are also an important aspect to be considered during the therapy. Thus, the second part of the article presents a speech and language approach in a case of cerebrovascular accident where the focus is on deglutition and eating, swallowing and drinking disorders.

Keywords: eating disorders, swallowing disorders, cerebrovascular accidents, speech and language therapy, drinking disorders, deglutition

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2016.2.1.05

Published on line: 15/03/2016


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