Relația dintre abilitarea lingvistică și resursele de reziliență din cadrul sistemului familial la copiii cu implant cohlear

Relația dintre abilitarea lingvistică și resursele de reziliență din cadrul sistemului familial la copiii cu implant cohlear

The relation between the linguistic developmental level and the resilience resources within the familial system in children with cochlear implants

Carmela Lavinia IRIMEȘ, Carmen COSTEA-BĂRLUȚIU

The training of the ability to develop and use language represents a big challenge in the rehabilitation process of children with cochlear implants. Listening and the practice of hearing represents an important part of the process, while the steps in the process of language acquisition and development need to be carefully planned, in an individualized manner. The role of the parents is central in the speech therapy of young children with cochlear implants. Families experience a high degree of distress and burden, but many of them become stronger and more resilient following the process of rehabilitation of language. The current article discusses several important aspects in the rehabilitation process of young children with cochlear implants and emphasizes the role of the family involvement, as a resource for the child and the speech therapist. A single longitudinal case study is detailed, as a model of the speech therapy in the case of a child with hearing impairment, following cochlear implant. A model of collaborative approach with the family is presented and the intertwining of the child’s progress and family adjustment in the process is discussed.

Keywords: hearing impairment, cochlear implantation, speech therapy, family coping and resilience

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2022.8.2.04

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Tipuri de hipoacuzie (
Asociația persoanelor cu deficiențe de auz „darul sunetului” – darul sunetului
Auziți acum. Și pentru totdeauna. (
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Complex therapeutic approach

Demers complex de evaluare în contextul implantării cohleare. Studiu de caz

Complex therapeutic approach in bilateral cochlear implantation. Case study report



Bilateral implantation is considered to be an important to be used method for verbal- hearing rehabilitation. The relevance of the bilateral implantation is proven mostly related to language development, but also to the ability to identify the noise source. This article underlines a complex assessment procedure through a case study report, reflecting the fact that language development and hearing perceptive abilities reach a high level of functionality when the child relies on a biaural hearing due to bilateral cochlear implantation. This complex assessment procedure can be considered a valuable starting point in projecting auditory-verbal therapeutic program.

Keywords: hearing impairments, cochlear implantation, language assessment, bilateral implantation


DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2015.1.1.02

Published on line: 15/10/2015


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