Dezvoltarea competențelor profesionale ale specialiștilor în terapia tulburărilor de limbaj prin intermediul proiectului ERASMUS + „LINKS−Logopedists Interact for New Knowledge and Skills”
Development of professional skills of SLTs through ERASMUS + „LINKS−Logopedists Interact for New Knowledge and Skills”
Dorina TALAȘ
The aim of this paper is to present the way the speech and language specialists developed their competences during the ERASMUS + project „LINKS−Logopedists Interact for New Knowledge and Skills”. In the first part of the article, there is a short presentation of the Erasmus + program, the participants and the aim of the project. In the second part of the article there is a short description of the main activities of the project and the conclusions. The short description of the course training activities is provided
Keywords: ERASMUS +, competences, collaboration, speech and language therapy SLT
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2019.5.2.02
Published on line: 31/10/2019
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