Dezvoltarea competențelor profesionale ale specialiștilor în terapia tulburărilor de limbaj prin intermediul proiectului ERASMUS +

Dezvoltarea competențelor profesionale ale specialiștilor în terapia tulburărilor de limbaj prin intermediul proiectului ERASMUS + „LINKS−Logopedists Interact for New Knowledge and Skills”

Development of professional skills of SLTs through ERASMUS + „LINKS−Logopedists Interact for New Knowledge and Skills”

Dorina TALAȘ

The aim of this paper is to present the way the speech and language specialists developed their competences during the ERASMUS + project „LINKS−Logopedists Interact for New Knowledge and Skills”. In the first part of the article, there is a short presentation of the Erasmus + program, the participants and the aim of the project. In the second part of the article there is a short description of the main activities of the project and the conclusions. The short description of the course training activities is provided

Keywords: ERASMUS +, competences, collaboration, speech and language therapy SLT

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2019.5.2.02
Published on line: 31/10/2019
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ERASMUS Programs

Proiectele ERASMUS

Cadru de dezvoltare profesională și personală a specialiștilor în terapia tulburărilor de limbaj și de comunicare

ERASMUS Programs – A continuous professional and personal development framework for speech and language therapists


Erasmus Program financed by European Union represents a real opportunity in empowering life long learning concept. Taking the opportunity for such a financial aid, 50 speech and language therapists gained theoretical and procedural knowledge in works with children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. „The Magic to communicate” coordinated by Youth Movement for Development of the Rural Areas in Bulgaria in partenership with Latvijas Logopēdu Associācija, Asociația Specialiștilor în Terapia Tulburărilor de Limbaj din România, Estonian Logopedists´ Union and Lithuanian Logopedist Association, designed as a summer school, created the framework for better understanding the communication needs and language impairments in ASD. The program also represents a good change to increase professionalism of SLT and to enhance service quality in therapy with ASD.

Keywords: Erasmus , Life Long Learning, Speech and Language Therapy (SLT)


DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2015.1.1.012

Published on line: 15/10/2015


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