Limba semnelor: de la elementele de taxonomie la aspecte practice ale limbii semnelor române

Limba semnelor: de la elementele de taxonomie la aspecte practice ale limbii semnelor române

Sign language-from taxonomic elements to practical aspects regarding Romanian sign language


The present paper concerns fundamental aspect of Sign Language, from historical elements at international and national levels to taxonomical elements for a better understanding of pragmatic elements of Sign language. The taxonomy of Sign Language is a difficult task since the analysis isolates the processes which, in fact, may intervene to create a sign. In the application part we will focus on a proposal of Romanian Sign Language taxonomy and in the final part there are examples in the context of the five descriptive parameters: the handshapes, the position of the hand in relation to the body, the orientation of the palm, the movement and the non-manual signs as aspects correlated with facial expressions.

Keywords:sign language, taxonomy, handshape, fundamental parameter, iconicity

Published on line: 03/31/2023
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