Dezvoltarea competențelor socio-afective ale adolescenților cu dizabilități de auz în contextul provocărilor determinate de mediul de comunicare

Dezvoltarea competențelor socio-afective ale adolescenților cu dizabilități de auz în contextul provocărilor determinate de mediul de comunicare

Developing the socio-affective competences of adolescents with hearing disabilities in the context of the challenges determined by the communication environment

Ioana-Letiția ȘERBAN; Sonia Antonela LUPU


This article presents a study of quality of life for hearing impaired and deaf adolescents and emphasizes the impact of the type of communication that they employ on different aspects of their cognitive, linguistic and social development. In the first part, the paper presents the theoretical framework, as well as a literature review of previous studies regarding quality of life for hearing impaired and deaf youth. The second part presents the study, describing the instrument used, the method and the results. The findings of this investigation reveal that hearing impaired and deaf students that learn in a boarding school setting in the special education system are more inclined to use sign language and to interact with their hearing impaired and deaf peers, and less willing to engage in activities with hearing people that involve verbal communication, thus diminishing their linguistic and social development.

Keywords:hearing impaired adolescents, quality of life, verbal communication, sign language
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2019.5.2.05
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