Direction for approaching instrumental abilities for kindergarten students with intellectuals disabilities – case study

Direcții de abordare a abilităților instrumentale la școlarul mic cu dizabilități intelectuale – studiu de caz

Direction for approaching instrumental abilities for kindergarten students with intellectuals disabilities – case study


Knowledge and description of specific processes of instrumental functions and their implications in the development and operation of young children with intellectual disabilities, the causes that give rise to instrumental disorders, the factors that determine the areas in which they can occur, are essential in leading the preparation intervention programs that stimulate instrumental skills deficits. Ensuring early detection and appropriate therapeutic intervention for children with intellectual disabilities will eliminate these instrumental function disorders or, at least, may diminish as a result of their negative influences on personality.
The paper will also present some evaluation and intervention methods for children with intellectual disabilities and instrumental function disorders for better inclusion in school and in the society; the methodology of this investigation is presented in a case-study.

Keywords: intellectual disabilities, school age children, instrumental functions, instrumental skill deficits

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2016.2.2.04

Published on line: 15/10/2016


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