Tulburările de vorbire și tulburările de limbaj. Implicații ale craniostenozei

Tulburările de vorbire și tulburările de limbaj. Implicații ale craniostenozei

Speech disorders and language disorders. Aspects in craniostenosis.


This article provides a theoretical approach for the category of speech and language disorders, underlining the common aspects, but also the differentiating ones. The two categories are also approched, in a more detailed, specific and practical manner, by taking into consideration the craniostenosis diagnose. Thus, the main question of the second part from this article is: Does craniostenosis leads to a speech or a luanguage disorder? Under what circumstances? The answer underlines the fact that craniostenosis can involve both speech and language disorders and that individual approach can be the only solution in order to correctly delimitate things in this case.

Keywords: craniostenosis, non-syndromic craniostenosis, syndromic craniostenosis, speech, language, speech and language disordersr

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2018.4.1.02

Published on line: 15/03/2018

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