Diminuarea dificultāṭilor de predare-învāțare în sistemul on-line

Diminuarea dificultāṭilor de predare-învāțare în sistemul on-line

Towards reducing the difficulties encountered in on-line teaching and learning


The COVID-19 pandemic that resulted in a shift towards on-line teaching and learning resulted in countless difficulties concerning the access to efficient education, especially in the case of children from families with a lesser-endowed socio-economic and cultural background, or children with learning problems, with ADHD or various disabilities (visual or healing impairment, intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, etc.). Moreover, even pupils who actually have technical access to the new teaching-learning system run the risk of losing their motivation for learning.
The efficient activity of and the results obtained by many teachers whose approach has been successful have shown the efficiency of integrated curricula whose teaching tasks are structured in learning sequences and whose testing patterns are personalized. By putting into practice, the principle of cognitive motivation development through an interactive process of teaching and learning that relies on structured learning sequences and employs personalized assessment techniques, reaching formative pedagogical objectives becomes possible even in the on-line teaching-learning system.

Keywords: online teaching system, online learning, motivation for learning, interactive process, structured learning sequences, personalised assessment

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2021.7.1.06

Published on line: 31/03/2021

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