Dezvoltarea abilităților lexico – semantice în contextul dificultăților de învățare

Dezvoltarea abilităților lexico – semantice în contextul dificultăților de învățare

Developing lexical-semantic abilities in the context of learning disabilities


This article presents different concepts and theories related to learning difficulties, dyslexia, reading fluency and reading comprehension. It also presents the results obtained by applying the PEAFC and the Crichton Scale. The initial assessment was made in December 2016, and the second one in May 2017. The two assessments let us emphasize the specificity of the difficulties encountered in reading fluency and in reading comprehension.

Keywords: : reading fluency, reading comprehension, learning difficulties, lexical-sematic difficulties, Crichton Scale, PEAFC(Probe for Assessing and Training Reading Fluency)
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2018.4.1.08

Published on line: 15/03/2018


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