Dezvoltarea abilităţilor psihomotorii la elevii de vârstă școlară mică cu dizabilităţi intelectuale integraţi în învăţământul de masă
The development of the psychomotor abilities of the children with intellectual disabilities attending mainstream school
Maria Cosmina CUCERZAN
This article establishes in the first part the theoretical framework for the second part which presents the practical aprroach focused on psychomotor abilities in children with intellectual disabilities. The main psychomotor abilities, the basic concepts- body scheme, lateralisation, perception of time and space were assessed in order to be able to establish the future therapeutical coordinates of the intervention plan. The assesment procedure, as practical aspect was reinforced by the set of practical exercices throgh which the aim was that to ensure enriching children with new abilities. A case study was presented in order to particularize both the assessment procedure, as well as the intervention approach, so that this case study can be considered an example of a model of good practices in the field of intellectual disabilities.
Key words: psychomotor, personalized intervention, intellectual disabilities, perceptual-motor structures, school integration.
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2016.2.2.06
Published on line: 15/10/2016
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