Relația dintre dezvoltarea limbajului și psihomotricitate în contextul dizabilității intelectuale
TThe relation between language development and psychomotricity in the context of intellectual disability
Crina Ramona POP
The practical part contains the research methodology, objectives, assumption, the description of the participants (subjects) and the methods and the materials used. Next the expound section of the design, the interventions plan and the conclusions resulted after the carry on activities.
Like is shown in the title, the research was headed to identify the implications that psychomotricity disorders exert upon the language disorders on children with intellectual disability. The language and the psychomotricity represent two essential elements of the life and it is important to know the manner of their interactions and implications upon the children with intellectual disability. More is significant to discover the most efficient method of intervention to contribute in this way at the elimination or at least at the reduction of the complications. Here I got the conclusion that the most efficient method of intervention is to group the language activities with the psychomotricity activities. Of course, all the activities are organized in an attractive manner based on games so that they captivate and motivate the children to take part operatively in the activities. After the intervention plans were applied it was established the improvement of the children in the language and psychomotricity abilities.
Keywords:intellectual disability, psychomotricity elements, relationship, language development, the multidisciplinary team
Published on line: 03/31/2024
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