Interpretarea în limba semnelor în context educațional – o perspectivă teoretică și practică

Interpretarea în limba semnelor în context educațional – o perspectivă teoretică și practică

Sign language interpreting in the educational context-a theoretical and pragmatic perspective


Taking into consideration that the Sign Language interpreting field is a vivid and useful one, the present paper tries to draw the profile of the educational interpreter starting with a theoretical frame and continuing with pragmatic issues. The study undertaken involved 30 Sign Language interpreters from Great Britain and Romania and the analyzed data provided information on qualifications needed to assure the quality of interpretation, challenges that can appear on the way of interpreting, the role of the professional development programs, the importance of the code of ethics and some practical advices were included.

Keywords: Sign Language, educational interpreter, code of ethics, Deaf students, RSL, BSL


DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2020.6.2.07
Published on line: 30/10/2020

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