The impact of acoustic environment on communication in classroom setting

Impactul mediului acustic asupra comunicării în sala de clasă

The impact of acoustic environment on communication in classroom setting


Past investigations demonstrated that the acoustical environment is a critical factor in communication,
regardless whether it refers to adults or children, normally developed or with different types of disabilities.
This study examines several acoustical microbarriers, such as: noise, reverberation and speaker-listener distance, and the impact of these variables on the speech perception abilities of both children with hearing loss and children with normal hearing.
From a practical standpoint, we discussed several methods for eliminating some of these communication barriers, such as improving the acoustical environment in the classroom and managing student’s behavior.
The study also presents some of the effects of the acoustical environment on the children’s academic achievement, as well as behavior when speech perception is compromised, ending with suggestions on using smart technology applications for monitoring the noise level hence the student’s behavior in the classroom.

Keywords: Semantic network, hearing impairment, vocabulary

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2016.2.1.10

Published on line: 15/03/2016


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Semantic networks visually adapted for children with hearing impairments

Reţelele semantice adaptate vizual pentru elevii cu dizabilitate auditivă

Semantic networks visually adapted for children with hearing impairments


Semantic networks are used in enhancing verbal and cognitive development for students, before engaging in the study of a certain topic. They can also be used as a way to summarize the content of a lesson, as a technique of making new associations or of representing new meanings. When teaching literacy to hearing impaired students the most difficult aspects are the understanding the meaning of the words, building sentences and enriching the vocabulary.

Keywords: Semantic network, hearing impairment, vocabulary


Published on line: 15/10/2015


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