Susţinerea socială – factor de protecţie împotriva sindromului de burnout al profesorilor

Susţinerea socială – factor de protecţie împotriva sindromului de burnout al profesorilor

Social support – the protective factor against teachers’ burnout syndrome

Vasile Radu PREDA

The emotional and instrumental components of social support are necessary for fostering the coping strategies associated with professional stress and with teachers’ burnout syndrome. The prevention of stress and of teacher burnout symptoms was initially based mainly on the implementation of measures meant to develop individual competencies. However, the data we obtained through the different investigations will show that it is essential to increase the preoccupation with the prevention of stress in the educational environment by using preventive measures centered on improving the schools’ socio-emotional climate and professional management.

Keywords: stress, burnout syndrome, social support, socio-emotional climate, professional management.


Published on line: 03/31/2022

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