Intervenția logopedică în reabilitarea tulburărilor de deglutiție a pacienților cu paralizie cerebrală infantilă

Intervenția logopedică în reabilitarea tulburărilor de deglutiție a pacienților cu paralizie cerebrală infantilă

Speech Therapy in Deglutition rehabilitation process in infants with cerebral palsy


Infantile cerebral palsy is a motor disability that occurs in 3.6 ‰ births, being one of the most common neurological disorders associated with swallowing disorders.
Worldwide, intervention on cerebral palsy and swallowing disorders in children is done by speech therapists. The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) emphasizes that childhood swallowing disorders presents some particular aspects, both in terms of diagnosis but also rehabilitation intervention.
This paper is a study that focuses on the practical utility and represents a response to the practical problems of school children with swallowing disorder. Cerebral palsy associated with swallowing disorder shouldn’t be a reason for excluding a child from the education system.

Keywords: cerebral palsy, speech therapy, swallowing disorders, postural strategy, sensoriomotor therapy
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2018.4.1.06

Published on line: 15/03/2018


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The specific speech and language therapy approach focused on swallowing skills in children with cerebral palsy

Particularități ale intervenției logopedice în contextul tulburărilor de deglutiție la copiii cu paralizie cerebrală

The specific speech and language therapy approach focused on swallowing skills in children with cerebral palsy


There are studies that underscore the presence of swallowing disorders the in pediatric area, especially among children with disabilities. One of the most common causes of this occurrence are neurological disorders such as children with moderate and severe cerebral palsy. Swallowing disorders can have a significant impact on their development and general health. Reduced nutritional intake accompanied by deceleration weight, prolonged feeding, and especially respiratory complications, which are the major cause of premature mortality, are just some of the arguments that stress the importance of early intervention. The American Speech-Language-Hearing-Association (ASHA) reveals the important role of a speech therapist in the interdisciplinary team in initiating a specific intervention, in the context of the particular swallowing disorder. Based on these assumptions the purpose of this paper is to illustrate the particularities of a speech therapist’s intervention in the context of swallowing disorders in children with cerebral palsy. This shall begin with the steps of an assessment and a specific intervention focus on the use of sensorimotor therapy, including the counseling of the child’s family into the implementation of correct posture during swallowing, and the main maneuvers to facilitate swallowing.

Keywords: cerebral palsy, speech therapy, swallowing disorders, postural strategy, sensoriomotor therapy

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2016.2.2.11

Published on line: 15/10/2016


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Speech and language therapy

Terapia logopedică în tulburările de deglutiție la pacientul cu accident vascular cerebral (AVC)

Speech and language therapy for dysphagia in the context of the cerebro-vascular accidents

Elena Lăcrămioara BUZZO (PRIHOI)


In the first part of this article the author presents the main implications of cerebrovascular accidents on speech. These complex implications need to be approached during the speech and language therapy in a multidimensional way. But besides the classical the therapeutic approach, the author underlines the fact that eating disorders are also an important aspect to be considered during the therapy. Thus, the second part of the article presents a speech and language approach in a case of cerebrovascular accident where the focus is on deglutition and eating, swallowing and drinking disorders.

Keywords: eating disorders, swallowing disorders, cerebrovascular accidents, speech and language therapy, drinking disorders, deglutition

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2016.2.1.05

Published on line: 15/03/2016


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