Dezvoltarea competenței de comunicare a elevilor de gimnaziu

Dezvoltarea competenței de comunicare a elevilor de gimnaziu

Developing language competencies in middle school students

Vasile Radu PREDA

Developing the communicative competence of secondary school students. The model for the development of communicative competence during the teaching learning process is based on the principles and strategies rooted in cognitive psychology (Lasnier, 2001). In order to develop students’ communicative competence, verbal communication skills and speaking skills, teachers can use a framework to be applied function of the set objectives, starting from an initial evaluation up to the formative assessment. The investigation of the teaching-learning techniques employed so as to increase the students’ communicative competence and speaking skills shows that teachers working in mainstream education, in special education and in inclusive schools rely mainly on scientifically validated psycho-pedagogical theories and formative assessment

Keywords: communicative competence, verbal communication skills, speaking skills, teaching-learning techniques, initial evaluation, formative assessment.
Published on line: 03/31/2024
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