Întârzierea în dezvoltarea limbajului. Studiu de caz

Întârzierea în dezvoltarea limbajului. Studiu de caz

Language developmental delay. Case study


The paper is structured in two sections: the first one establishes the theoretical framework, while the practical section, the second one describes a case study. The first section discusses, from a theoretical point of view, general elements of speech delay as they were described and analyzed in time according to different psycho-linguistic approaches. The second section, structured as a case study, describes the importance of early intervention at 0-5 years old children with speech delay. The case study includes ways of evaluation at this particular age, aiming to design a personalized intervention plan that is focused on all the aspects that influences the language acquisition and development – receptive language, expressive language, cognitive level and motor level. Results underlined that the early intervention in speech delay cases have major implications for their global development by offering the children the possibility to reach a proper development path.

Keywords: speech delay, speech disorders, language, expressive language disorder, receptive language disorder

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2017.3.2.02

Published on line: 31/10/2017


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