Fluența verbală (semantică și fonemică)

Fluența verbală (semantică și fonemică)

Verbal fluency – semantic and phonemic


This article defines verbal fluency, with both its ways: semantic verbal fluency and phonemic verbal fluency trying to answer to the fallowing question „Is Verbal fluency and indicator for linguistic or a cognitive development?”. In order to answer this question this article mentions lots of researches regarding all the area in which verbal fluency tests are used. Among these areas we can mention: linguistic area, neuropsychological area, psychiatric area. The practical aspect regrading verbal fluency is ensured through the proposed assessment and training tasks both for semantic and phonemic verbal fluency. The way Romanian psychological tests compress verbal fluency is another aspect approached in this article, in order to ensure for the reader, the possibility to have a global image about verbal fluency and its concert materializations.

Keywords: verbal fluency, semantic verbal fluency, phonemic verbal fluency, executive functioning, language development.

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2018.4.2.10

Published on line: 31/10/2018

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