Preventing the learning disabilities by using multi-sensorial methods

Prevenirea apariției dificultăților de învățare, prin valorificarea metodelor multisenzoriale, a programului de procesare „VAKT” (V vizuală, A auditivă, K kinestezică, T tactilă)

Preventing the learning disabilities by using multi-sensorial methods, the processing program `VAKT” (V-visual, A-auditory, K-kinestetic, T-tactile)


Despite the fact that the most of the main stream pupils are consistently progressing in building up their reading and writing skills, it is known that not all of them follow the same pattern. The main category of difficulties diagnosed in the main stream school involves learning difficulties (dyslexia and dysgraphia).
Those pupils experiencing initial difficulties in reading and writing could go on and experience difficulties in other areas of school curriculum , if not addressed.These could lead in turn to behavioural problems (coping and avoiding mechanisms: school truancy, refusal to engage in any academic activities, telling lies , etc).
Therefore, it is important to ensure that all the support is provided from the early stage (in the reception class and in the first year) to prevent them developing into bigger problems.
This article, describes the VAKT Processing Programme ( V-visual, A-auditiv, K-kinesthetic, T-tactile) developed in an experimental process , emphasising the importance of using multisensory stimuls in prevention of learning difficulties (dislexic and disgraphic problems) as part of the main learning process (in first classes ) which has proved to be extremely efficent in the experimental group.

Keywords: learning disabilities, specific learning disabilities, multisensory learning, early stage, prevention


Published on line: 15/03/2017


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