Intervenţii interdisciplinare pentru dezvoltarea limbajului verbal la copiii cu dizabilităţi intelectuale

Intervenţii interdisciplinare pentru dezvoltarea limbajului verbal la copiii cu dizabilităţi intelectuale

Interdisciplinary interventions for developing verbal language in children with intellectual disabilities


This study offers an interdisciplinary approach to the development of verbal language and of learning strategies in the case of children with intellectual disabilities, especially Down syndrome and Williams syndrome. Based on the socio-constructivist theory, on differential pedagogy and on the mediated learning model, it was concluded that effective language development relies on early intervention stimulations, employing cognitive methods and personalized educational programs.

Keywords: intellectual disabilities, verbal language, early intervention, early stimulation, cognitive education

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2022.8.1.04
Published on line: 03/31/2022

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