Îmbunătățirea procesării fonologice prin intermediul structurilor ritmate la copiii care prezintă dizabilitate auditivă

Îmbunătățirea procesării fonologice prin intermediul structurilor ritmate la copiii care prezintă dizabilitate auditivă

The improvement of phonological processing through rhymmed structures for children with hearing impairments

Ofelia Amalia RADU

This article presents a study conducted on 9 and 10-year-old students with hearing impairments from a special educational setting in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. In the first part there is a theoretical framework that sustained the study and its objectives, while in the second part the reader can find the steps and specific interventions that took place and that were detailed in five case studies. After the literature research and after the objectives were defined the study developed as follows: the participants completed an evaluation of their phonological awareness through specific tests, an analysis of the results was drawn and based on it, specific intervention designs were built on working with poetry. The interventions were meant to correct the phonological processing problems that have been identified on the first analysis. For the final evaluation the same test was used as in the first one and the data were compared in order to highlight the progress for each participant as well as for the whole group

Keywords: intellectual disability, interactive methods, the Romanian language lesson
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2019.5.2.06

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