Interpretarea la distanță a limbii semnelor române în context pandemic

Interpretarea la distanță a limbii semnelor române în context pandemic

Remote interpreting of Romanian Sign Language in the pandemic context


Taking into consideration the current context, Sign Language remote interpreting is a topic often encountered in accessibility for Deaf people. Our study explores the aspects of remote Sign Language interpreting in Romania during the Covid-19 pandemic. After a short theoretic framework about remote interpreting and particularities in the context of using Sign Language, we resume the findings of our investigation in which we used survey data from 39 Romanian Sign Language Interpreters active in the pandemic context. We emphasize advantages and disadvantages of this variant of Sign Language interpreting and in the end, we share some findings and recommendations from the field practice.

Keywords: remote interpreting, Sign Language, interpreter experiences, LSR-Romanian Sign Language, Covid-19
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2022.8.1.05
Published on line: 03/31/2022

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