Protocol de evaluare a disgrafiei

Protocol de evaluare a disgrafiei

Protocol for assessing dysgraphia

Daniela ROMILĂ

Handwriting is a motor perceptive skill acquired through practice (Feder, Majnemer, 2017) which, once it became automatic and organized, is a valid tool that facilitates the development of ideas. Writing difficulties are considered as reasons for guiding school children towards assessment, therapy and intervention services.
This research aims to investigate the psychomotor peculiarities of children with dysgraphia and to develop a protocol for the assessment of dysgraphia based on empirical evidence. For the structure of the evaluation protocol, samples such as the Nepsy battery (Korkman, Kirk, Kemp, 1998), psychomotricity assessment samples, and samples for evaluating the accuracy and speed of writing on a horizontal and vertical plane by using the Wacom Intuos Pro tablet and the SMART board were used.
The research targets third-grade students from two schools in the city of Mediaş, who were selected in a controlled manner to establish the control group and other randomly selected students for the target group, thus selecting 22 research participants.
Keywords: autism spectrum disorder, language and communication disorders in ASD, alternative and augmentative communication strategies, visual clues, echolalia


DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2024.10.1.03
Published on line: 03/31/2024
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