Învățarea explicită bazată pe metode didactice interactive utilizate pentru înțelegerea lecturi
Explicit learning based on interactive pedagogical methods used for reading comprehension
When choosing the pedagogical strategies meant to foster the formation and the development of reading comprehension skills it is essential to detect the roots and the specifics of dysfunctions in the cognitive processes and competences that might affect reading comprehension. The personalized and systematic use of interactive pedagogical methods has a positive impact on: enriching the pupils’ vocabulary with novel words and expressions; understanding the anaphoric reference items that feature in clauses and sentences; making lexical, causal and pragmatic inferences so as to understand clauses and sentences; acknowledging discourse markers; building a global representation of the text; employing meta-cognition while monitoring textual comprehension; accessing the significance of the text; understanding and using the text’s structure in order to critically interpret and assess the information read.
Keywords: language, linguistic abilities, early interventions, language stimulations, speech-therapy methods, cognitive education, personalized programs
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2020.6.2.06
Published on line: 30/10/2020
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