Cum pot jocurile online să fie folosite în sesiunile de terapie a tulburărilor de limbaj la copii? -Studiu de caz: aplicația mobilă OctoPlay

Cum pot jocurile online să fie folosite în sesiunile de terapie a tulburărilor de limbaj la copii? – Studiu de caz: aplicația mobilă OctoPlay

How the online games can be used during SLT sessions?/Case study- Octoplay app


This article presents how online games can be used in the speech therapy sesssions with children, having as case study the mobile app OctoPlay.
The OctoPlay application combines the speech therapists` approach with technology and meets the needs of children, therapists and parents through the structure of customizable exercises, collaborative environment and other tools included in the application (video model and mirror technique, virtual reality version, automatic progress reports and the possibility to customize the exercises according to the child’s needs). Practical aspects about how Octoplay App can be used are discussed and information about how it can be accessed are detailed

Keywords: speech therapy, personalized programs, collaborative environment, virtual reality, mirror technique, game, OctoPlay application

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2021.7.2.11

Published on line: 31/10/2021


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