Developing reading fluency for first grade pupils

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Developing reading fluency for first grade pupils

Crina Maria IANCU

This study presents the results of reading fluency ability in five first grade students as measured with PEAFC (Probe for Assessing and Training Reading Fluency). The first evaluation was made in the beginning of the school year, in September 2014, and the second evaluation was seven months later, in April, 2015. The results demonstrate a significant improvement in reading fluency for all the participants. PEAFC helps the teacher or the therapist to monitor the progress and to present the progress the students made to the students and to the parents. The results can be presented in a graphic for a better understanding.

Key words: first grade, reading fluency, PEAFC (Probe for Assessing and Training Reading Fluency), Precision Teaching

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2015.1.1.10

Published on line: 15/10/2015


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