Alfabetul dactil și influența dactilării asupra abilităților de citire a copiilor cu dizabilități auditive

Alfabetul dactil și influența dactilării asupra abilităților de citire a copiilor cu dizabilități auditive

Finger spelling and its influence upon reading skills in the context of hearing disability


This paper assess fingerspelling as a part of Sign Language communication of Deaf persons and the alternative to be a way of increasing reading skills of Deaf children. A short history review is provided together with theories and models that are addressing fingerspelling. It will be underlined that fingerspelling positively correlates with strong reading skills. Strategies and an intervention program for developing fingerspelling skills will be recomended in the last part of this paper.

Keywords: fingerspelling, reading skills, phonological awareness, hearing impairment

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2018.4.1.03

Published on line: 15/03/2018


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Dezvoltarea conștiinței fonologice la vârsta preșcolară

Dezvoltarea conștiinței fonologice la vârsta preșcolară

Developing phonological awarness at pre-school age


The child’s ability to perceive language, as a structure consisting of a limited set of sounds or phonemes can be considered to be one of the greatest conceptual constructs of the human mind.
The purpose of the present study was to train and develop the phonological abilities of preschool children based on an intervention program based on the activities of building, exposing, analyzing and solving different tasks of phonological awareness, a program included in the daily activities of language education. It was also considered to compare the results of children in two groups: the experimental group after conducting the phonological awareness development plan and the control group after the traditional language education activities, according to the curriculum for pre-school education.

Keywords: child development language, phonological abilities, phonological awareness, intervention program, phonological auditory analysis.

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2017.3.2.05

Published on line: 31/10/2017


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Utilizarea unei aplicații computerizate pentru evaluarea și antrenarea procesărilor fonologice

Utilizarea unei aplicații computerizate pentru evaluarea și antrenarea procesărilor fonologice

Using a computerized application to evaluate and increase phonological processes

Larisa-Ioana CRISTEA

The phonological processing with its two components: phonological awareness and phonemic awareness is focusing on differentiating the sounds that form the words. This side of the language has an important role in learning reading-writing which makes efficient intervention in training it absolutely necessary. This article focuses on the training process of phonological processing with the help of a mobile application as well as classic therapy.

Keywords: phonological processing, phonological awareness, information and communication technologies, phonemic awareness, mobile technologies

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2017.3.2.08

Published on line: 31/10/2017


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Causality relationship

Relaţia de cauzalitate reciprocă între conştiinţa fonologică, procesarea fonologică şi învăţarea citirii şi scrierii

The causal relationship between phonological consciousness, phonological processing and reading and writing learning

Oana PREDA, Vasile Radu PREDA

The present study (The reciprocal causality relation marking phonological awareness, phonological processing and the acquisition of reading and writing skills) offers an analysis of the psychological and pedagogical premises in acquiring reading and writing skills on the basis of the results of research studies pertaining to the following: the role of phonological awareness and that of phonological processing in acquiring lexical competence; the hypothesis that there is a reciprocal causality relation between phonological awareness and learning writing skills; dysfunctions in the treatment of linguistic data; the impact that lexical age might have on dyslexic versus regular readers; effective pedagogical actions for learning reading skills. To illustrate the role played by phonological awareness and by phonological processing in fostering the pre-acquisition of the linguistic skills necessary for reading and writing, the case study of a pre-school child and the results of the NEPSY investigation are presented.

Keywords: phonological awareness, phonological processing, linguistic competence, lexical competence, dyslexia, reading and writing.


Published on line: 15/03/2017


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