Stima de sine la preadolescenţii cu tulburări de pronunție

Stima de sine la preadolescenţii cu tulburări de pronunție

Self- esteem in preadolescence with pronunciation disorders


The purpose of this study is to determine whether dyslalic language disorders may adversely affect the self-esteem of the pre-adolescent with standard intellectual development, in comparison to their peers with a typical development of language and intellect. An instrument designed to measure the level of the self-esteem, at the level of five subdivisions: the emotional self – ES, the social self – the SS, the physical self – the PS, the school self – SS, the prospective self – PS, was applied to a number of 18 students aged 13-14. As a result of the statistical data processing it is revealed that the pre-adolescents without speech disorder obtain higher and more constant scores in all five dimensions measured by the TOULOUSE – PIERON self – esteem inventory, while the students with speech disorders, although in terms of the results, present fluctuations at both batch and individual levels.
In conclusion, the presence of the dyslalic speech disorders may affect the individual’s self-esteem and may influence the development of their entire psychic life in the future as well as their range of action in the society.

Keywords: language disorders, dyslalia, self-esteem, pre-adolescent
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2018.4.1.07

Published on line: 15/03/2018


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