Impactul tulburărilor de voce asupra calității vieții în rândul profesorilor din învățământul preuniversitar și universitar

Impactul tulburărilor de voce asupra calității vieții în rândul profesorilor din învățământul preuniversitar și universitar

Impact of voice disorders on life quality among college and university teachers


This study aims to examine the impact of on the quality of life among teachers in pre-university and university education. In this respect, the prevalence of voice disorders, quality of life, as well as demographic variables in the two independent samples was examined. The objectives of this research are to compare the prevalence of voice disorders among teachers in pre-university and university education and to investigate the impact of voice disorders on the quality of life among teachers in pre-university education.

Keywords:voice disorders, quality of life, prevalence, teachers, occupation


DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2019.5.2.04

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