Strategii de dezvoltare a memoriei verbale în contextul dizabilității intelectuale ușoare

Strategii de dezvoltare a memoriei verbale în contextul dizabilității intelectuale ușoare

Strategies for developing verbal memory in the context of mild intellectual disability


Cognitive deficits on the level of memory are noticed in a variety of childhood disorders, directly correlated to a brain injury (a trauma or a celebrovascular accident/ stroke), or to a genetic anomaly which lend to the alteration of brain development. This paper presents the development of the verbal memory in the context of the intellectual disability, by stimulating the short-term memory, taking into account that the memory of the children with intellectual disability is impaired, compared to normal children of the same age, or of younger age. The training of verbal memory implies the involvement of students in tasks of evocation of words, verbal items or memory exercises based on language, reflecting the ability of memorizing actively some information for a short period of time, involving the three components of the short-term verbal memory: capacity, duration and coding.Training the memory involves mnemonic strategies (associations), visual strategies (drawings, graphic representations), verbal memory strategies (stories, rhymes) and metacognitive strategies (the awareness of the process). Repetition represents the most useful method for the assimilation of new information. Combining repetition strategies with story creation leads to the development of the working verbal memory and performance in the classroom task.

Keywords:lintellectual disability, memory, verbal memory, verbal memory strategies, short term memory

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