Automatizarea sunetelor S şi Z în propoziţii. Studiu de caz

Automatizarea sunetelor S şi Z în propoziţii. Studiu de caz

Automatization of sounds S and Z in sentences. Case Study


The purpose of this article is to underline the main particularities of pronunciation in case of the children with dyslalia, sigmatism. Thus, in this article is presented a case study, which emphasizes both the assessment process and the intervention approach focused on the pronunciation of S and Z sounds (Romanian S-Z sounds) during the sentences level. Results demonstrated that an adequate assessment and intervention can ensure functional development of S and Z pronunciation. Also, the exercises practiced during intervention are useful not only for speech and language therapists, but also for parents of children with sigmatism.

Keywords:sigmatism, case study, assessment, intervention, sentences level, dyslalia.

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2017.3.2.10

Published on line: 31/10/2017


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