Aspecte privind conștientizarea și prevenția tulburărilor de voce în activitatea profesională a cadrelor didactice

Aspecte privind conștientizarea și prevenția tulburărilor de voce în activitatea profesională a cadrelor didactice

Aspects concerning raising awarness and acting preventing in educational field

Anamaria Augustina FILIPAȘ

Teachers belong to the vulnerable category of vocal professionals with a high risk of developing dysphonia, presenting multiple vocal symptoms ranging from fatigue, hoarseness, change in voice quality in the context of vocal wear and discomfort, symptoms that generally are associated with physical discomfort and professional absenteeism.
This research aims to investigate teachers level of knowledge regarding the elements related to voice dysfunction and voice prevention and the manner in which this knowledge applied in daily practice is influencing voice behavior. Teachers’ knowledge regarding the association of risk factors and voice dysfunction with direct impact on teaching performance and the presence of limitation or reduction of professional activity was under examination. It was pursued whether there is a level of awareness, based on the level of knowledge held about the use of voice and regarding the need to adopt in the daily professional routine practices of preventing voice dysfunction.
The research targets 45 teachers professionally active in state and private schools that are teaching from early education to high school level. Participants filled in a questionnaire, distributed online on professional teachers networks for six weeks, a questionnaire that included various items that captured targeted elements.
Keywords: teachers, voice dysfunction, prevention, awareness, voice education
Published on line: 10/31/2024

Impactul tulburărilor de voce asupra calității vieții în rândul profesorilor din învățământul preuniversitar și universitar

Impactul tulburărilor de voce asupra calității vieții în rândul profesorilor din învățământul preuniversitar și universitar

Impact of voice disorders on life quality among college and university teachers


This study aims to examine the impact of on the quality of life among teachers in pre-university and university education. In this respect, the prevalence of voice disorders, quality of life, as well as demographic variables in the two independent samples was examined. The objectives of this research are to compare the prevalence of voice disorders among teachers in pre-university and university education and to investigate the impact of voice disorders on the quality of life among teachers in pre-university education.

Keywords:voice disorders, quality of life, prevalence, teachers, occupation


DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2019.5.2.04

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