Rolul activ al părintelui în procesul de recuperare a copiilor cu TSA

Rolul activ al părintelui în procesul de recuperare a copiilor cu TSA

The active role of the parent in children`s with ASD rehabilitation process

Ioana Mădălina ORIAN, Andreea Garofița BACIU

Poor social-pragmatic communication is one of the frequent symptoms of the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The determining factors of the syncopes which occur on the communication level are the deficits in the receptive and expressive language. The role of communication and language, the intervention of the parent in the process of recovering the child, the training of the parents as well as the early intervention in the Autism Spectrum Disorder are aspects that have benefited from more attention lately. The main objective of this paper is to observe the progress made by the children with ASD, who have benefited from online education and recovery therapy from a therapist. The case study was used, through observing the evaluation reports with the help of the ABLLS-R evaluation tool, applied to five children with ASD. The expected results have taken the form of improved performance on the evaluated subscales and with improved results in the intervention applied by the parent and guided by the therapist. These findings are meant to emphasize the importance of parent involvement in the process of developing language and communication, as well as recovery in the context of ASD.

Keywords: telepractice, autism spectrum disorder, social-pragmatic communication disorders, early intervention, parents` training


DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2021.7.2.05

Published on line: 31/10/2021


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Rolul implicării parentale în procesul de intervenție logopedică

Rolul implicării parentale în procesul de intervenție logopedică

Parental Involvement in speech and language therapy intervention


This research aims to extend and adapt the therapy techniques, specific to the speak and language disorders domain, for their use in the child’s family environment. The main subjects of the research are the parents of the children diagnosed with speaking problems.
By encouraging the parent’s active participation within the logopedic therapy, it is intended to teach them, so that they could continue the therapy in the child’s every day life.
Moreover, the therapeutic collaboration between the speech therapist, the child and the parents allow to valorise the observations made by the parents related to the child environment and every day life, completing the information obtained by the therapist during the complex evaluation of the child. Using this exhaustive information, the therapist is able to propose an intervention program that is personalised to the child’s needs.
Furthermore, in the context of the recent changing of the work paradigm, when the therapy sessions are conducted in the format of teletherapy, the collaboration and the support offered by the therapist to the parents is essential for the success of the intervention program.

Keywords: language delays, telepractice, therapeutic teem, speech and language theraphy


DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2021.7.1.07
Published on line: 31/03/2021

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On-line Speech and language therapy

Terapia tulburărilor de limbaj derulată online

On-line Speech and language therapy

Dorina Anca TALAŞ

This article presents the major aspects regarding telepractice for speech and language therapy. The telepractice is defined according to ASHA, 2015 and the results some researchers made in the telepractice field are presented. The studies presented recommend telepractice in aphasia, apraxia, dysarthria, voice disorders, dysphagia, fluency and voice disorders, language disorders diagnosis, articulation disorders. Caution is needed when working with severe cases. A classification of online therapy services is presented and online sessions are described. The advantages and disadvantages of using online speech and language therapy are discussed. It is important for the therapists to analyze each case with the family and to identify the best intervention possible for that case.

Keywords: online therapy, speech and language therapy, telepractice, distance therapy

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2015.1.1.05

Published on line: 15/10/2015


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