Dyspraxia. Pilot study regarding dyspraxia approach in our country

Dispraxia. Studiu privind problematica dispraxiei în ţara noastră

Dyspraxia. Pilot study regarding dyspraxia approach in our country


This article describes the results obtained in a pilot study addressing dyspraxia in the speech and language field in Romania. The main objectives of this study is to establish if dyspraxia is a frequent diagnosis in speech and language therapy, to underline if this diagnosis is just a specifier in a wider range of disorders or disabilities and to underline if there is a need to address this diagnosis during the initial training and continuous professional development for Romanian speech and language therapists. Results proved that there are no differences in approaching this diagnosis in our country comparing with data from abroad, except regarding the need for speech and language specialists initial training and continuous professional development in this specific area.

Keywords: speech and language therapy, motor planning, developmental dysprexia,
dyspraxia of speech, apraxia in adults and in children


DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2016.2.1.02

Published on line: 15/03/2016


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