Dezvoltarea abilităților de comunicare pragmatică prin folosirea povestirilor sociale în contextul sindromului down
Developing Pragmatic Communication Abilities by using Social Stories in children with Down Syndrome
This paper focuses on presenting a case study regarding Down Syndrome and the use of social stories in targeting pragmatic communication development, screening the results with Webster Scale and The Pragmatic Communication Abilities Profile in the day to day life of pupils.
It is considered that using social stories as a mediator to learning and enhancing communicational skills in pupils with Down Syndrome improves their chance of quickly seeing results while also reducing the levels of distress, frustration or inadequacy that the pupils might feel when noticing that they are not easily understood, not fluent or coherent in what they wish to communicate, greatly increasing the comprehensibility of language as a whole.
The case study presents situations in which a young boy with Down Syndrome finds himself in the posture of both receiver and broadcaster of messages composed of singular words, short phrases or even complex communicational scenarios in which he both listens and responds, actively interacting with his tuturor.
It is considered that using social stories as a mediator to learning and enhancing communicational skills in pupils with Down Syndrome improves their chance of quickly seeing results while also reducing the levels of distress, frustration or inadequacy that the pupils might feel when noticing that they are not easily understood, not fluent or coherent in what they wish to communicate, greatly increasing the comprehensibility of language as a whole.
The case study presents situations in which a young boy with Down Syndrome finds himself in the posture of both receiver and broadcaster of messages composed of singular words, short phrases or even complex communicational scenarios in which he both listens and responds, actively interacting with his tuturor.
Keywords: Down Syndrome, social stories, pragmatic communication, speech and language development, communication abilities.
Published on line: 31/03/2019
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Dewart, H., Summers, S. (1995). The pragmatics profile of everyday communication skills in children, retrieved from in 10.01.2019.
Gray, C. (2015). The new social story book, UK: Future Horizons
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Anca, M. (2003). Metode și tehnici de evaluare a copiilor cu cerințe educaționale speciale, Cluj-Napoca: Editura Presa Universitară Clujeană.
Bodea-Hațegan, C. (2016). Logopedia- terapia tulburărilor de limbaj. Structuri deschise, București: Editura Trei.
Dewart, H., Summers, S. (1995). The pragmatics profile of everyday communication skills in children, retrieved from in 10.01.2019.
Gray, C. (2015). The new social story book, UK: Future Horizons
Williams, C., Wright, B. (2017). A guide to writing social stories, London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers