Schimbarea atitudinii cadrelor didactice față de elevii cu cerințe educative speciale din școlile incluzive
Changing teachers’ attitudes towards children with special needs attending inclusive schools
Nicoleta Raluca LUPU
The purpose of this study was to change TEACHERS’ ATTITUDE REGARDING THE INCLUSION OF THE STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS. The attitude of the teachers who will participate in the training through game designed to change the attitude towards the students with special educational needs will change positively, compared to the attitude of the teachers who will not participate in the training.
The attitude of the teachers who participated in the change of attitude training through game changed positively, compared to the attitude of the teachers who did not participate. The non-parametric test Mann-Whitney for independent samples shows that there are statistically significant differences between the experimental group and the control group in all three dimensions of attitude (p <.01) In addition, the T Wilcoxon test shows the differences between the pre-test stage and the post-test phase within each group. It is noted that for the control group, there are no statistically significant differences between the two stages, whereas in the case of the experimental group there are statistically significant differences from one stage to another (.00, p <.01). The degree of acceptance of the students with special educational needs will increase significantly in the teachers who will participate in the computer game training, compared to the teachers who will participate in the classic game training. The results of the „Mann-Whitney U Test” show that there are no significant differences between the experimental groups (p> .05), which indicates that both programs can effectively contribute to changing the teachers’ attitudes towards integrating disabled students
Keywords: language delay, communication skills, early assessment of language skills, multidimensional intervention program
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2021.7.2.10
Published on line: 31/10/2021
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