Tulburări de voce în rândul jurnaliștilor. studiu de caz: profesioniștii din radio

Tulburări de voce în rândul jurnaliștilor. studiu de caz: profesioniștii din radio

Voice disorders in journalists. case study: professionals from radio


This paper analyzes, on the one hand, voice disorders occurring in radio journalists and what are the leading causes and solutions, on the other hand. The paper contains both qualitative research methods and instruments, such as case study and interviews with all the actors involved in this process: vocal professionals-radio journalists, vocal specialists-physicians, speech therapists, and speech pathologists. Based on these methods and tools, it was possible to conclude whether the lack of vocal hygiene application is related to voice disorders. Also, we shaped the causes and factors that lead to voice disorders and what are the directions for prevention and intervention in this medical issue.

Keywords: voice disorder, radio journalists, vocal professionals, vocal hygiene, speech therapy in voice disorder

Published on line: 10/30/2023
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