Intervenție timpurie în dezvoltarea limbajului la copiii născuți prematur. Implicațiile mobilizării orofaciale
Early intervention for speech and language development in preterm infants. Implications of orofacial motor training
The purpose of this study was language development in preterm infants through early intervention and the implications of orofacial mobilization. Three preemie children between the aged between 2 and 3 years old took part in this study. With the help of language assessment scales, language development levels were determined. The evaluation scales applied were: Scale for establishing the level of language development (Păunescu, 1984), Integrated Development Scale, Portage Scale-language area, Curriculum Carolina-language area. For orofacial mobilization, the Z vibe Kit and orofacial massage along the Castillo-Morales route were used. By applying the orofacial mobilization, a better coordination of the facial muscles was aimed at emitting the sounds as correctly as possible, following the words and sentences. The results of this study show us the importance of the early intervention plan on language, but also on orofacial mobilization.
Keywords:language development, prematurity, early intervention, orofacial mobilization, intervention plan
Published on line: 03/31/2024
Anca, M. (2005). Suport curs. Logopedie. Cluj-Napoca
Arias, F. (1992). Practical guide to high-risk pregnancy and delivery. Mosby Comp. St. Louis
Belanger, R., Leroux, D., & Lefebvre, P. (2021). Supporting caregivers of children born prematurely in the development of language: A scoping review. Paediatrics & child health, 26(1), e17-e24.
Bodea-Haţegan, C. (2016). Logopedia. Terapia tulburărilor de limbaj. Structuri deschise. Bucureşti: Trei
Bodea-Haţegan, C. (2017). Suport curs. Introducere în logopedie. Cluj-Napoca
Briscoe, J., Gathercole, S. E, & Marlow, N. (1998). Short-term memory and language outcomes after extreme prematurity at birth. Journal of Speech, Language & Hearing Research, 41(3), 654-66.
Caesar P., Eggermont J.A.E., Volpe J.J. (1992). Neonatal clinical neurological assessement. Textbook of Neonatology, 2nd Edn., Churchill Livingstone ;1035-1043
Crişan, N., Neacşu, A. (2001). Naşterea prematură. Bucureşti: Info Medica
Ferreira, R. D. C., Alves, C. R. L., Guimarães, M. A. P., Menezes, K. K. P. D., & Magalhães, L. D. C. (2020).
Effects of early interventions focused on the family in the development of children born preterm and/or at social risk: a meta-analysis. Jornal de Pediatria, 96, 20-38.
Jansson-Verkasalo, E., Ruusuvirta, T., Huotilainen, M., Paavo, A., Kushnerenko, E., Suominen, K.,Hallman, M. (2010). Atypical perceptual narrowing in prematurely born infants is associated with compromised language acquisition at 2 years of age. BMC Neuroscience, 11(88).doi:10.1186/1471-2202-11
Rossetti, L. M. (Ed.). (2001). Communication Intervention: Birth to Three, 2 nd ed. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar.
Stamatin, M. (2009). Neonatologie. Iaşi: Gr. T. Popa
Vandormael, C., Schoenhals, L., Hüppi, P. S., Filippa, M., & Borradori Tolsa, C. (2019). Language in preterm born children: atypical development and effects of early interventions on neuroplasticity. Neural plasticity, 2019
Keywords:language development, prematurity, early intervention, orofacial mobilization, intervention plan
Published on line: 03/31/2024
Anca, M. (2005). Suport curs. Logopedie. Cluj-Napoca
Arias, F. (1992). Practical guide to high-risk pregnancy and delivery. Mosby Comp. St. Louis
Belanger, R., Leroux, D., & Lefebvre, P. (2021). Supporting caregivers of children born prematurely in the development of language: A scoping review. Paediatrics & child health, 26(1), e17-e24.
Bodea-Haţegan, C. (2016). Logopedia. Terapia tulburărilor de limbaj. Structuri deschise. Bucureşti: Trei
Bodea-Haţegan, C. (2017). Suport curs. Introducere în logopedie. Cluj-Napoca
Briscoe, J., Gathercole, S. E, & Marlow, N. (1998). Short-term memory and language outcomes after extreme prematurity at birth. Journal of Speech, Language & Hearing Research, 41(3), 654-66.
Caesar P., Eggermont J.A.E., Volpe J.J. (1992). Neonatal clinical neurological assessement. Textbook of Neonatology, 2nd Edn., Churchill Livingstone ;1035-1043
Crişan, N., Neacşu, A. (2001). Naşterea prematură. Bucureşti: Info Medica
Ferreira, R. D. C., Alves, C. R. L., Guimarães, M. A. P., Menezes, K. K. P. D., & Magalhães, L. D. C. (2020).
Effects of early interventions focused on the family in the development of children born preterm and/or at social risk: a meta-analysis. Jornal de Pediatria, 96, 20-38.
Jansson-Verkasalo, E., Ruusuvirta, T., Huotilainen, M., Paavo, A., Kushnerenko, E., Suominen, K.,Hallman, M. (2010). Atypical perceptual narrowing in prematurely born infants is associated with compromised language acquisition at 2 years of age. BMC Neuroscience, 11(88).doi:10.1186/1471-2202-11
Rossetti, L. M. (Ed.). (2001). Communication Intervention: Birth to Three, 2 nd ed. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar.
Stamatin, M. (2009). Neonatologie. Iaşi: Gr. T. Popa
Vandormael, C., Schoenhals, L., Hüppi, P. S., Filippa, M., & Borradori Tolsa, C. (2019). Language in preterm born children: atypical development and effects of early interventions on neuroplasticity. Neural plasticity, 2019