Relația dintre abilitarea lingvistică și resursele de reziliență din cadrul sistemului familial la copiii cu implant cohlear

Relația dintre abilitarea lingvistică și resursele de reziliență din cadrul sistemului familial la copiii cu implant cohlear

The relation between the linguistic developmental level and the resilience resources within the familial system in children with cochlear implants

Carmela Lavinia IRIMEȘ, Carmen COSTEA-BĂRLUȚIU

The training of the ability to develop and use language represents a big challenge in the rehabilitation process of children with cochlear implants. Listening and the practice of hearing represents an important part of the process, while the steps in the process of language acquisition and development need to be carefully planned, in an individualized manner. The role of the parents is central in the speech therapy of young children with cochlear implants. Families experience a high degree of distress and burden, but many of them become stronger and more resilient following the process of rehabilitation of language. The current article discusses several important aspects in the rehabilitation process of young children with cochlear implants and emphasizes the role of the family involvement, as a resource for the child and the speech therapist. A single longitudinal case study is detailed, as a model of the speech therapy in the case of a child with hearing impairment, following cochlear implant. A model of collaborative approach with the family is presented and the intertwining of the child’s progress and family adjustment in the process is discussed.

Keywords: hearing impairment, cochlear implantation, speech therapy, family coping and resilience

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2022.8.2.04

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Tipuri de hipoacuzie (
Asociația persoanelor cu deficiențe de auz „darul sunetului” – darul sunetului
Auziți acum. Și pentru totdeauna. (
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Eficientizarea comunicării dintre cadrele didactice și părinți prin intermediul aplicației ClassDojo

Eficientizarea comunicării dintre cadrele didactice și părinți prin intermediul aplicației ClassDojo

Increasing communication efficiency among teachers and parents by using ClassDojo

Dorina Anca TALAȘ, Carolina BODEA-HAȚEGAN, Crina Maria IANCU, Renata ORBAN

The development of communication abilities at children with hearing impairment and multisensory disabilities has to be approached within a complex and holistic program that takes into consideration the importance of symbolic communication. Widgit Symbols represent an efficient visual and multimodal modality that supports the development of intention in communication, facilitates comprehension, develops language for individuals with disabilities who have difficulties in producing or understanding language. The present case study ilustrates the modality in which a developed and implement program based on Widgit symbols determins progress in the development of communication abilities.

Keywords: communication, hearing impairment, multisensory disabilities, Widgit, symbolic communication.

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2020.6.1.02
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Utilizarea simbolurilor WIDGIT în dezvoltarea comunicării la copiii cu dizabilități de auz și dizabilități senzoriale multiple

Utilizarea simbolurilor WIDGIT în dezvoltarea comunicării la copiii cu dizabilități de auz și dizabilități senzoriale multiple

The use of WIDGIT symbols in the development of communication at children with hearing impairment and multisensory disabilities

Ioana-Letiția ȘERBAN, Andrea HATHAZI

The development of communication abilities at children with hearing impairment and multisensory disabilities has to be approached within a complex and holistic program that takes into consideration the importance of symbolic communication. Widgit Symbols represent an efficient visual and multimodal modality that supports the development of intention in communication, facilitates comprehension, develops language for individuals with disabilities who have difficulties in producing or understanding language. The present case study ilustrates the modality in which a developed and implement program based on Widgit symbols determins progress in the development of communication abilities.

Keywords:communication, hearing impairment, multisensory disabilities, Widgit, symbolic communication.


DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2020.6.1.03

Published on line: 15/03/2020

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Alfabetul dactil și influența dactilării asupra abilităților de citire a copiilor cu dizabilități auditive

Alfabetul dactil și influența dactilării asupra abilităților de citire a copiilor cu dizabilități auditive

Finger spelling and its influence upon reading skills in the context of hearing disability


This paper assess fingerspelling as a part of Sign Language communication of Deaf persons and the alternative to be a way of increasing reading skills of Deaf children. A short history review is provided together with theories and models that are addressing fingerspelling. It will be underlined that fingerspelling positively correlates with strong reading skills. Strategies and an intervention program for developing fingerspelling skills will be recomended in the last part of this paper.

Keywords: fingerspelling, reading skills, phonological awareness, hearing impairment

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2018.4.1.03

Published on line: 15/03/2018


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The impact of acoustic environment on communication in classroom setting

Impactul mediului acustic asupra comunicării în sala de clasă

The impact of acoustic environment on communication in classroom setting


Past investigations demonstrated that the acoustical environment is a critical factor in communication,
regardless whether it refers to adults or children, normally developed or with different types of disabilities.
This study examines several acoustical microbarriers, such as: noise, reverberation and speaker-listener distance, and the impact of these variables on the speech perception abilities of both children with hearing loss and children with normal hearing.
From a practical standpoint, we discussed several methods for eliminating some of these communication barriers, such as improving the acoustical environment in the classroom and managing student’s behavior.
The study also presents some of the effects of the acoustical environment on the children’s academic achievement, as well as behavior when speech perception is compromised, ending with suggestions on using smart technology applications for monitoring the noise level hence the student’s behavior in the classroom.

Keywords: Semantic network, hearing impairment, vocabulary

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2016.2.1.10

Published on line: 15/03/2016


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Speech intelligibility in the context of hearing impairments

Aspecte ale inteligibilităţii vorbirii la copiii cu dizabilități auditive

Speech intelligibility in the context of hearing impairments

Liana Angela (ROȘCA) MUŞUŢAN

Speech intelligibility of people with hearing disability, who are using a conventional or digital hearing aid or a cochlear implant, is an essential factor that interferes in the communication process with people with normal hearing. Without being understood oral language cannot be an efficient and safe way in the communication process, and in this case, the language cannot exercise its primary function of communication.
The current study aims to highlight the degree of development of speech intelligibility for students with hearing disability who are using digital hearing aids and those with cochlear implants. Recordings were made with students reading lists of words and sentences, witch played to three inexperienced listeners that had to write down (transcription) the words correctly perceived from the students reading. To establish the speech intelligibility, has been applied The Speech Intelligibility Rating Scale (SIR).
The main reason for the selection of this topic is to show that speech intelligibility of children with digital hearing aids and cochlear implant is influenced by many factors that have an impact on oral language development. Among them there are: the type of hearing aid used, the degree of hearing loss, the communication mode used, the beginning of intervention for recovery. Speech intelligibility of students with hearing disability can be improved by applying appropriate strategies and individualized recovery.

Keywords: hearing impairment, speech intelligibility, cochlear implant, hearing aids, speech and language, auditory-verbal therapy

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2016.2.1.11

Published on line: 15/03/2016



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Semantic networks visually adapted for children with hearing impairments

Reţelele semantice adaptate vizual pentru elevii cu dizabilitate auditivă

Semantic networks visually adapted for children with hearing impairments


Semantic networks are used in enhancing verbal and cognitive development for students, before engaging in the study of a certain topic. They can also be used as a way to summarize the content of a lesson, as a technique of making new associations or of representing new meanings. When teaching literacy to hearing impaired students the most difficult aspects are the understanding the meaning of the words, building sentences and enriching the vocabulary.

Keywords: Semantic network, hearing impairment, vocabulary


Published on line: 15/10/2015


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