Relația dintre dezvoltarea motorie și achiziția limbajului în primul an de viață. Prevenție și intervenție timpurie

Relația dintre dezvoltarea motorie și achiziția limbajului în primul an de viață. Prevenție și intervenție timpurie

The relation between motor development and language acquisition during the first year of live. Prevention and Early Intervention


This article tries to establish the main common lines of motor and language development during the first year of life. The need to see this relation during the first year of life is of extreme importance mainly for preparing and delivering prevention programs as well as early intervention programs in both areas, in motor and in language areas. Concrete correlations between motor and language development are discussed, among these we can mention: the correlation between rhythmic arms movement and babbling development with a peak of manifestation around 28 weeks of life; the correlation between object displacement during play and the first spoken words, a correlation materialized around 12 months; the correlation between recognition gestures and verbal comprehension, a correlation developed during 9- 13 months of life. Signaling signs for directing parents` and therapists` attention are also listed, as well as short descriptions of the main diagnostic contexts in which the relation between motor and language development is to be underlined as a key point for diagnosis and intervention, even in early stages.

Keywords: motor development, language development, early intervention, prevention, developmental coordination disorders, dyspraxia

Published on line: 03/31/2022

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Particularități ale dezvoltării abilităților morfo – semantice în contextul protezării auditive cu implant cohlear și aparat auditiv

Particularități ale dezvoltării abilităților morfo – semantice în contextul protezării auditive cu implant cohlear și aparat auditiv

Longitudinal study regarding the frequency of speech disorders at the level of the speech therapy Nicolae Iorga office from Baia Mare

Katinka METEA

Language disorders are one of the most common childhood disorders. Problems with oral communication are the most common signs of language disorders. Expressive language issues can be easier to identify in the early years.
The main objectives of the longitudinal study were: (1) to show a significant increase in the frequency of language and communication disorders in primary school children, (2) to underline the importance of high quality language therapy services focused on prevention and early intervention.
The study began in 2007 and ended in 2017. Children diagnosed with language and communication disorders at the beginning of each school year were included in the study.
It was hypothesized that there was a significant increase in the frequency of the language and communication disorders during the eleven years of the study, especially in expressive language disorders like dyslalia. The participants in the study were evaluated, diagnosed and received specialized speech therapy.
The main findings of the study suggest an increase in the number of the cases identified with language disorders during 2007 and 2012. Between 2012 and 2017 the number of cases started decreasing due to the language therapy services provided in preschool children focused on prevention programs. It also showed a high percentage of children diagnosed with dislalia as compared to other language disorders like rhinolalia, dyslexia and fluency disorders.
Considering the findings of the study, language and speech therapy services must provide a focus on specialized therapy programs including prevention and early intervention involving parents and also preschool and primary school teachers

Keywords: language disorders, dyslalia, speech and language therapy services, prevention, early intervention.

Published on line: 31/03/2019
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Preventing the learning disabilities by using multi-sensorial methods

Prevenirea apariției dificultăților de învățare, prin valorificarea metodelor multisenzoriale, a programului de procesare „VAKT” (V vizuală, A auditivă, K kinestezică, T tactilă)

Preventing the learning disabilities by using multi-sensorial methods, the processing program `VAKT” (V-visual, A-auditory, K-kinestetic, T-tactile)


Despite the fact that the most of the main stream pupils are consistently progressing in building up their reading and writing skills, it is known that not all of them follow the same pattern. The main category of difficulties diagnosed in the main stream school involves learning difficulties (dyslexia and dysgraphia).
Those pupils experiencing initial difficulties in reading and writing could go on and experience difficulties in other areas of school curriculum , if not addressed.These could lead in turn to behavioural problems (coping and avoiding mechanisms: school truancy, refusal to engage in any academic activities, telling lies , etc).
Therefore, it is important to ensure that all the support is provided from the early stage (in the reception class and in the first year) to prevent them developing into bigger problems.
This article, describes the VAKT Processing Programme ( V-visual, A-auditiv, K-kinesthetic, T-tactile) developed in an experimental process , emphasising the importance of using multisensory stimuls in prevention of learning difficulties (dislexic and disgraphic problems) as part of the main learning process (in first classes ) which has proved to be extremely efficent in the experimental group.

Keywords: learning disabilities, specific learning disabilities, multisensory learning, early stage, prevention


Published on line: 15/03/2017


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Methods to develop reading-writing skills in children with attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity

Metode de dezvoltare a abilităţilor de scris-citit la copiii cu deficit de atenţie şi hiperactivitate

Methods to develop reading-writing skills in children with attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity

Irina GANĂ

This article is focused on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and its implication on reading and writing skills.
The negative implication of attention deficit and hyperactivity on children is reported since the early ages but they expenad during the school age period, when the parent faces child`s difficulty to adjust his behavior in the educational setting. Thus, children facing ADHD also face reading and writing difficulties.
In order to prevent reading and writing disorders for 10 children diagnosed with AHDH we compared the efficacity of two different intervention programs. Results demonstrated that the intervention program which combined different approaches from the speech and language therapy area (Meixnar and Sindelar approaches), in comparison with the intervention program based on the phonetic-analitic-syinthetic method ensured a higher and more stable level of reading and writing skills for children with ADHD. These results bring into light the need to adjust and find more flexible ways in order to approach children with ADHD and also the fact that the implamentation of prevention programs for reading and writing disorders is a necesity in ADHD context.

Keywords: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder-ADHD, reading and writing disorders, prevention, complementary methods.

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2016.2.2.09

Published on line: 15/10/2016


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