Importanța dezvoltării comunicării și limbajului în ADHD

Importanța dezvoltării comunicării și limbajului în ADHD

The importance of speech and language development in ADHD

Ioana Mădălina ORIAN, Andreea Garofița BACIU

ADHD is the most common behavioral and learning problem in children and one of the most common reasons for medical examination. The DSM-5 classifies ADHD as a neurodevelopmental disorder that appears before the age of 12 and may persist into adulthood.
Although ADHD is not accompanied by significant language delays in the use of syntax and semantics, recent studies show a notable association between ADHD and communication disorders. These disorders are present at the level of expressive language, the pragmatic component and the organization of speech. The mentioned disorders are present both in social communication and in the intrapersonal sphere (the language used for self-control).
Through the analysis of several studies, the present paper wishes to highlight the importance of speech and language development to children with ADHD, which helps both socially and in self-control.

Keywords: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, communication disorders, reading and writing disorders, speech language impairments, learning disabilities
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2022.8.2.05

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Fluența citirii orale – norme pentru limba română

Fluența citirii orale – norme pentru limba română

Romanian normative data for oral reading fluency

Carolina BODEA-HAȚEGAN, Dorina Anca TALAȘ, Raluca Nicoleta TRIFU

The aim of this study is to establish reading fluency norms for preparatory students, students in first grade and students in second grade. A total of 1056 students in the preparatory class, 1977 first grade students and 1763 second grade students both from the urban and rural areas of different counties of the country were evaluated at the end of the school year using a set of tasks selected from the PEAFC probe. The results offer an overview of the oral reading fluency at the end of the preparatory class, at the end of first grade and at the end of second grade, representative for the Romanian population. Both the reading frequency and the reading errors, the accuracy of reading were recorded. The published norms can be used both by teachers and by language language therapy specialists to identify students at risk to develop learning difficulties and to develop intervention plans according to the particularities of each case.

Keywords: coral reading fluency; norms; errors in reading, dyslexia, specific learning disabilities

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2018.4.2.02

Published on line: 31/10/2018

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Preventing the learning disabilities by using multi-sensorial methods

Prevenirea apariției dificultăților de învățare, prin valorificarea metodelor multisenzoriale, a programului de procesare „VAKT” (V vizuală, A auditivă, K kinestezică, T tactilă)

Preventing the learning disabilities by using multi-sensorial methods, the processing program `VAKT” (V-visual, A-auditory, K-kinestetic, T-tactile)


Despite the fact that the most of the main stream pupils are consistently progressing in building up their reading and writing skills, it is known that not all of them follow the same pattern. The main category of difficulties diagnosed in the main stream school involves learning difficulties (dyslexia and dysgraphia).
Those pupils experiencing initial difficulties in reading and writing could go on and experience difficulties in other areas of school curriculum , if not addressed.These could lead in turn to behavioural problems (coping and avoiding mechanisms: school truancy, refusal to engage in any academic activities, telling lies , etc).
Therefore, it is important to ensure that all the support is provided from the early stage (in the reception class and in the first year) to prevent them developing into bigger problems.
This article, describes the VAKT Processing Programme ( V-visual, A-auditiv, K-kinesthetic, T-tactile) developed in an experimental process , emphasising the importance of using multisensory stimuls in prevention of learning difficulties (dislexic and disgraphic problems) as part of the main learning process (in first classes ) which has proved to be extremely efficent in the experimental group.

Keywords: learning disabilities, specific learning disabilities, multisensory learning, early stage, prevention


Published on line: 15/03/2017


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