The etiology and the symptomatology of the specific speech and language disorders

Etiologia şi caracteristicile tulburărilor specifice de limbaj

The etiology and the symptomatology of the specific speech and language disorders


The etiology and the characteristics of specific language impairment. After “Mapping Theories”, with integrative and systemic perspective, the developmental language impairment involve the different deficits and disorders: a) the deficits of auditory processing and speech perception; b) the deficits of perception and awareness of phonemes; c) specific phonological deficit hypothesis; d) phonological memory deficits; e) the limitations in working memory capacity; f) the deficits of language memory circuits. This different deficits and disorders have the impact on lexical and morphological learning in the context of language impairment

Key words: specific language impairments, speech and language disorders, phonological disorders

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2016.2.2.08

Published on line: 15/10/2016


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