Relația dintre tulburările de tip ADHD și tulburările de limbaj la vârsta preșcolară
The Relation between ADHD type disorders and language disorders in preschoolers
The design of the study that has been used is a comparative one. The research participants were represented by 64 preschoolers, age 3-6, divided into two independent test samples: preschoolers who have speech disabilities and preschoolers who do not have speech disabilities. The ADHD symptoms were assessed with the two questionnaires for the early childhood inventory ECI-4.
Participant’s language level was established by using specific tests that are frequently used in the Romanian speech therapy field.
The highlights of the study referred to the fact that the preschoolers who were identified with a speech disability showed more serious symptoms of ADHD behavior than the preschoolers who do not have any kind of speech disability.
Keywords:preschoolers, language disorders, ADHD disorders
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2019.5.1.03
Published on line: 31/03/2019
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