Program integrat de dezvoltare a laturii morfo-sintactice a limbajului în contextul dizabilității intelectuale

Program integrat de dezvoltare a laturii morfo-sintactice a limbajului în contextul dizabilității intelectuale

Integrated program for morpho-syntactic language development in children with intellectual disabilities

Mădălina VAIDA

The study presents a program meant to develop the morpho-syntactic aspects of language in children with intellectual disabilities. It involves aimed strategies like the intentional use of the article, of plural forms of nouns and of verbs, and also implicit learning and exercise in structured contexts and categories.
Keywords: intellectual disabilities, morphology, syntax, speech and language development, morphologic categories
Published on line: 03/31/2024
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Intervenţii interdisciplinare pentru dezvoltarea limbajului verbal la copiii cu dizabilităţi intelectuale

Intervenţii interdisciplinare pentru dezvoltarea limbajului verbal la copiii cu dizabilităţi intelectuale

Interdisciplinary interventions for developing verbal language in children with intellectual disabilities


This study offers an interdisciplinary approach to the development of verbal language and of learning strategies in the case of children with intellectual disabilities, especially Down syndrome and Williams syndrome. Based on the socio-constructivist theory, on differential pedagogy and on the mediated learning model, it was concluded that effective language development relies on early intervention stimulations, employing cognitive methods and personalized educational programs.

Keywords: intellectual disabilities, verbal language, early intervention, early stimulation, cognitive education

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2022.8.1.04
Published on line: 03/31/2022

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Studiu privind activitățile de prevenire a tulburărilor de limbaj în grădinițe

Studiu privind activitățile de prevenire a tulburărilor de limbaj în grădinițe

Investigative study regarding the prevention activities related with speech and language disorders in kindergartens

Simona Bianca ROȘCA

The present research starts from the idea of preventing language disorders from an early age, given the results of previous research on the effectiveness of early interventions.
Following a preliminary documentation that consisted in the study of Romanian legislation, specialized literature, speech therapy aids, speech therapy software, sites with medical profile and special pedagogy, it was found an insufficient approach to prevention and we wanted to investigate what activities speech therapy teachers consider to be included in the concept of prevention. We also sought to find out to what extent speech therapists take into account the prevention part and what activities they carry out for this purpose. The results were limited and we see them from at least two perspectives: the small group of participants that led to limited data and the absence or quasi-absence of prevention in speech therapy, this being too little described in the literature and outlined as a methodology in school documents. The most common options chosen by language therapists for prevention were to carry out speech therapy activities in prevention groups under the age of 5 and to carry out information activities for educators and parents and only then screening activities

Keywords: communication skills, intellectual disabilities, verbal communication, special education, speech therapy, reading imagine
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2021.7.1.05

Published on line: 31/03/2021

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Dezvoltarea abilităților de comunicare la elevii cu dizabilități intelectuale

Dezvoltarea abilităților de comunicare la elevii cu dizabilități intelectuale

Developing communication abilities in children with intellectual disabilities

Ioana Delia ȚÎRLEA, Simona Rodica ABRUDAN

This article presents the importance of the constant use of a programme based on the reading of images in the activities of language therapy for the development of communication skills in students with intellectual disabilities.
The first part of the paper presents the particularities of the students with intellectual disability, respectively the particularities of the language and the communication, as well as implications in the educational process. The second part illustrates the analysis of the data obtained as a result of the implementation of the reading program after images in the activities of speech disorder therapy. The objectives, hypothesis and expected results are described.
The design of the study is based on the final results with the initial outcomes after the intervention programe was applied. The data obtained show that the activities determines positive effects in the development of communication skills, the use of a richer vocabulary, the more complex expression.

Keywords: communication skills, intellectual disabilities, verbal communication, special education, speech therapy, reading imagine
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2020.6.2.05
Published on line: 30/10/2020
Published on line: 30/10/2020

Bodea- Hațegan, C. (2011). Abordări structuralist-integrate în terapia tulburărilor de limbaj și comunicare, Editura Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca;
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Bodea-Hațegan, C. (2014). Proba de evaluare a abilităților morfologice în limba română (resursă electronică), ISBN 978-973-109-505-9.
Bodea-Hațegan, C. (2014). Probă de evaluare a abilităților morfologice în limba română. Aplicații psiholingvistice, E-book, Editura Argonaut, Cluj-Napoca.
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Rolul jocului didactic în dezvoltarea autonomiei personale la elevii cu dizabilități severe

Rolul jocului didactic în dezvoltarea autonomiei personale la elevii cu dizabilități severe

The role of didactic game in developing self-autonomy for children with severe disabilities

Minodora SÎRBU

This article presents the role of the didactic play in developing personal autonomy in students with severe disabilities. The didactic games applied to students with severe disabilities highlight the way in which the didactic game can contribute to the development of personal autonomy by developing adaptive daily life skills.

Keywords: personal autonomy, didactic play, intellectual disabilities, curative pedagogy, multiple disabilities.


DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2020.6.1.07

Published on line: 15/03/2020


Bocoș, M.D. (2013). Instruirea interactivă”, Iași: Editura Polirom.
Golășie, M. (2018). Jocul în pedagogia curativă, în Catalano, H., Albulescu, I. (coord.), (2018). Pedagogia jocului și a activităților ludice, pag. 274-285, București: Editura Didactică și Pedagogică.
Hathazi, A. (2015), Dizabilitățile multiple, în Roșan, A. (coord.), (2015). Psihopedagogie specială. Modele de evaluare și intervenție, pag. 187-241, Iași: Editura Polirom.
Roșan, A., Bălaș-Baconschi, C. (2015). Dizabilitatea intelectuală, în Roșan, A. (coord.), (2015). Psihopedagogie specială. Modele de evaluare și intervenție, pag. 99-122, Iași: Editura Polirom.

Particularități ale jocului didactic în activitățile de sprijin la elevii cu C.E.S

Particularități ale jocului didactic în activitățile de sprijin la elevii cu C.E.S

The particularities of the didactic game in supporting the children with C.E.S

Ionela Dorinela ARDELEAN

This article focuses on the importance of introducing didactic play in educational instructive activities with students with special education, as the basis for the entire intervention program. The design of the study is based on the comparison of the final results with the initial outcomes after the intervention programme was applied. Reasearch participants are represented by a number of five pupils from the primary cycle, aged between 8 and 10 years, presenting learning disabilities and intellectual disabilities. At the end of the research you can easily find the significant increase in students` performances by improving cognitive processes as a result of the constant usage of didactic play.

Keywords:play, special education, learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities


DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2019.5.2.03
Bodea Hațegan, C. (2014). Probă de evaluare a abilităților morfologice în limba română. Aplicații psiholingvistice, E-book, Cluj-Napoca: Editura Argonaut.
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Implicaţiile abilităţilor psihomotorii asupra limbajului la copiii cu dizabilităţi intelectuale integraţi în învăţământul de masă

Implicaţiile abilităţilor psihomotorii asupra limbajului la copiii cu dizabilităţi intelectuale integraţi în învăţământul de masă

Implications of psychomotor skills on language in children with intellectual disabilities integrated in public education

Maria Cosmina CUCERZAN

Difficulties in articulation of sounds are common in speech and language therapy field. Their therapeutic approaches must be individualized The psycho-individual and age-specific features, as well as the characteristics of the type and degree of a certain disabilities, make speech therapy a unique, original, specific process.
Through the present research we wanted to highlight the uniqueness of the speech therapy sessions, as we follow the classic approach, we can give a specific note to the activities carried out by innovative methods, techniques and means of teaching applied to a distinct category of pupils, those with intellectual disabilities.
The research methodology include the purpose, objectives, research hypotheses, the research approach and the description of the group of participants, emphasizing the description and the usefulness of the ” Paşi prin lumea sunetelor ” application both as an assessment and as an intervention too The accurate identification of psycho- motricity difficulties with consequences on the language at children with intellectual disabilities integrated in compulsory general education is an important aspect which the entire process of integration depends on. It is a complex process which requires the usage of a whole set of probes which include the level of early – learning of the language and which can contribute at the creation of a whole complex portrait, with links to the psycho – motricity and communication abilities of the child, but also to the establishing of the objectives in what concerns the correction and the development of these abilities.
In the first part of the article theoretical topics regarding psychomotricity, language, intellectual disability and the integration into compulsory general education of children with intellectual disability are studied , and in the second part the scientific research is presented after going through three stages: the discovery stage in which we put into practice methods with the purpose of of knowing the individual level of psycho motricity and the level of language development (four students presenting psycho motricity and language difficulties were selected ) the experimental stage which was concerned with the development of case – studies and individual action ( the process of the action was structured as a complex therapy of action, but also as some therapy – learning activities, each instrument being put into practice on every part of language regarding the development of child ‘ s abilities in the next areas: psycho motricity, language and communication, knowledge, socialization ) ; final which consisted of going again through the evaluation tasks which were applied in the discovery stage in order to underline the involvement of psycho motricity on the language and so, checking the research hypothesis.

Keywords:psychomotricity, language and communication, intellectual disabilities, integration

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2019.5.2.07

Anca,M.(2009).Tehnici specifice de terapia limbajului, support curs IDD, Catedra de psihopedagogie specială, Cluj-Napoca: Universitatea Babeş –Bolyai
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Particularități ale dezvoltării abilităților de comprehensiune verbală în contextul dizabilităților intelectuale la vârsta adolescenței

Particularități ale dezvoltării abilităților de comprehensiune verbală în contextul dizabilităților intelectuale la vârsta adolescenței

Features in the development of verbal comprehension in the context of intellectual disabilities in adolescent age

Nicoleta Elena COVACI

The research ”Particularities of the development of verbal comprehension skills in the context of intellectual disabilities at the age of adolescence” examines the level of linguistic skills in intellectually disabled 16 year old students who attend a form of special education. The testing of these students is difficult because the tests that can be employed to this kind of sample are scarce. The same situation is presented in the case of language therapy where most of the materials are applicable to a much younger age group.
In the introduction we have synthesized the main theories regarding language, and the importance of lsngusgr as a means of communication and also as a means of main psychological processes.

Keywords: intellectual disabilities, verbal comprehension, language skills, functional communication, language and communication disorders
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2018.4.1.04

Published on line: 15/03/2018


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Direction for approaching instrumental abilities for kindergarten students with intellectuals disabilities – case study

Direcții de abordare a abilităților instrumentale la școlarul mic cu dizabilități intelectuale – studiu de caz

Direction for approaching instrumental abilities for kindergarten students with intellectuals disabilities – case study


Knowledge and description of specific processes of instrumental functions and their implications in the development and operation of young children with intellectual disabilities, the causes that give rise to instrumental disorders, the factors that determine the areas in which they can occur, are essential in leading the preparation intervention programs that stimulate instrumental skills deficits. Ensuring early detection and appropriate therapeutic intervention for children with intellectual disabilities will eliminate these instrumental function disorders or, at least, may diminish as a result of their negative influences on personality.
The paper will also present some evaluation and intervention methods for children with intellectual disabilities and instrumental function disorders for better inclusion in school and in the society; the methodology of this investigation is presented in a case-study.

Keywords: intellectual disabilities, school age children, instrumental functions, instrumental skill deficits

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2016.2.2.04

Published on line: 15/10/2016


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The development of the psychomotor abilities of the children with intellectual disabilities attending mainstream school

Dezvoltarea abilităţilor psihomotorii la elevii de vârstă școlară mică cu dizabilităţi intelectuale integraţi în învăţământul de masă

The development of the psychomotor abilities of the children with intellectual disabilities attending mainstream school

Maria Cosmina CUCERZAN

Integration of children with disabilities in mainstream school involves differantial approach and focuses on child` abilities. This means that the therapeutical approach is havily based on a thorough assesment sequence, assesment based on child`s abilities.
This article establishes in the first part the theoretical framework for the second part which presents the practical aprroach focused on psychomotor abilities in children with intellectual disabilities. The main psychomotor abilities, the basic concepts- body scheme, lateralisation, perception of time and space were assessed in order to be able to establish the future therapeutical coordinates of the intervention plan. The assesment procedure, as practical aspect was reinforced by the set of practical exercices throgh which the aim was that to ensure enriching children with new abilities. A case study was presented in order to particularize both the assessment procedure, as well as the intervention approach, so that this case study can be considered an example of a model of good practices in the field of intellectual disabilities.

Key words: psychomotor, personalized intervention, intellectual disabilities, perceptual-motor structures, school integration.


DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2016.2.2.06

Published on line: 15/10/2016


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