Impactul tulburărilor de voce asupra calității vieții în rândul profesorilor din învățământul preuniversitar și universitar

Impactul tulburărilor de voce asupra calității vieții în rândul profesorilor din învățământul preuniversitar și universitar

Impact of voice disorders on life quality among college and university teachers


This study aims to examine the impact of on the quality of life among teachers in pre-university and university education. In this respect, the prevalence of voice disorders, quality of life, as well as demographic variables in the two independent samples was examined. The objectives of this research are to compare the prevalence of voice disorders among teachers in pre-university and university education and to investigate the impact of voice disorders on the quality of life among teachers in pre-university education.

Keywords:voice disorders, quality of life, prevalence, teachers, occupation


DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2019.5.2.04

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Dezvoltarea competențelor socio-afective ale adolescenților cu dizabilități de auz în contextul provocărilor determinate de mediul de comunicare

Dezvoltarea competențelor socio-afective ale adolescenților cu dizabilități de auz în contextul provocărilor determinate de mediul de comunicare

Developing the socio-affective competences of adolescents with hearing disabilities in the context of the challenges determined by the communication environment

Ioana-Letiția ȘERBAN; Sonia Antonela LUPU


This article presents a study of quality of life for hearing impaired and deaf adolescents and emphasizes the impact of the type of communication that they employ on different aspects of their cognitive, linguistic and social development. In the first part, the paper presents the theoretical framework, as well as a literature review of previous studies regarding quality of life for hearing impaired and deaf youth. The second part presents the study, describing the instrument used, the method and the results. The findings of this investigation reveal that hearing impaired and deaf students that learn in a boarding school setting in the special education system are more inclined to use sign language and to interact with their hearing impaired and deaf peers, and less willing to engage in activities with hearing people that involve verbal communication, thus diminishing their linguistic and social development.

Keywords:hearing impaired adolescents, quality of life, verbal communication, sign language
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2019.5.2.05
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Tulburări de voce asociate cu tulburări de înghițire – implicații în sfera calității vieții

Tulburări de voce asociate cu tulburări de înghițire – implicații în sfera calității vieții

Voice disorders associated with swallowing disorders – Implications in the sphere of quality of life

Catrinel FRÎNCU

Voice impairments associated with dysphagia – implications on quality of life. This reaserch was conducted with the purpose of studying the effect of voice impairments and dysphagia on the quality of life of adults. In order to do this, constructs such as general health, symptoms of voice disorders and dysphagia, quality of life were taken into consideration.
In the beginning, the subject was approached from a theoretical point of view and was given a general perspective on certain concepts like voice impairments and dysphagia.
The objectives of this reasearch are: the investigation of the perceived general health status of the adult with voice impairments and dysphagia; highlighting the main symptoms of voice impairmants and dysphagia; the evaluation of the quality of life of adults with voice impairments and dysphagia.
In order for the objectives to be reached, one participant was selected and the evaluation process started. After finishing the evaluation, an intervention plan was created with the purpose of facilitating the management of voice impairments and dysphagia symptoms and the increase of the quality of life.

Keywords: dysphagia, swallowing diosrders, voice disorders, quality of life, adults voice.

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2017.3.2.06

Published on line: 31/10/2017


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Morawska, J., Niebudek-Bogusz, E., Zaborowski, K., Wiktorowicz, J., Śliwińska-Kowalska, M. (2015). V-RQOL as a tool for assessing the impact of voice disorders on the quality of life in occupational voice users. Otorynolaryngologia, 14(2): 96-103.

Nazish, Z., Inayatullah, M., Khan, M.Y. (2016). Etiology of dysphagia; based on upper GI endoscopy. Professional Med Journal, 23(9):1039-1044.

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Life quality assessment

Evaluarea calităţii vieţii adulţilor cu afazie

Life quality assessment for adults with aphasia

Mirela BUTTA

This article presents the importance of the quality of life assessment in speech and language therapy when working with aphasic persons. The terms aphasia and quality of life are defined and the quality of life assessment in aphasia is presented. Nottingham Health Profile is described and used in order to prove the importance of quality life assessment as objective indicator for speech and language therapy relevance in aphasic persons. A case study of a 42 year old female diagnosed with aphasia is presented using Nottingham Health Profile results before intervention and six months after speech and language intervention. The conclusion reveals the importance of including different objectives related to the quality of life in speech and language therapy.

Key words: aphasia, quality of life, assessment tools, speech and language therapy


Published on line: 15/10/2015


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