Catrinel FRÎNCU
Voice impairments associated with dysphagia – implications on quality of life. This reaserch was conducted with the purpose of studying the effect of voice impairments and dysphagia on the quality of life of adults. In order to do this, constructs such as general health, symptoms of voice disorders and dysphagia, quality of life were taken into consideration.
In the beginning, the subject was approached from a theoretical point of view and was given a general perspective on certain concepts like voice impairments and dysphagia.
The objectives of this reasearch are: the investigation of the perceived general health status of the adult with voice impairments and dysphagia; highlighting the main symptoms of voice impairmants and dysphagia; the evaluation of the quality of life of adults with voice impairments and dysphagia.
In order for the objectives to be reached, one participant was selected and the evaluation process started. After finishing the evaluation, an intervention plan was created with the purpose of facilitating the management of voice impairments and dysphagia symptoms and the increase of the quality of life.
Keywords: dysphagia, swallowing diosrders, voice disorders, quality of life, adults voice.
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2017.3.2.06
Published on line: 31/10/2017
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