Life quality assessment

Evaluarea calităţii vieţii adulţilor cu afazie

Life quality assessment for adults with aphasia

Mirela BUTTA

This article presents the importance of the quality of life assessment in speech and language therapy when working with aphasic persons. The terms aphasia and quality of life are defined and the quality of life assessment in aphasia is presented. Nottingham Health Profile is described and used in order to prove the importance of quality life assessment as objective indicator for speech and language therapy relevance in aphasic persons. A case study of a 42 year old female diagnosed with aphasia is presented using Nottingham Health Profile results before intervention and six months after speech and language intervention. The conclusion reveals the importance of including different objectives related to the quality of life in speech and language therapy.

Key words: aphasia, quality of life, assessment tools, speech and language therapy


Published on line: 15/10/2015


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