Implicații ale întârzierii în dezvoltarea limbajului la vârsta școlarității. Program complex de intervenție logopedică

Implicații ale întârzierii în dezvoltarea limbajului la vârsta școlarității. Program complex de intervenție logopedică

Implications of speech and language delay in school age. Complex program of speech and language therapy

Nicoleta – Valentina KISS

This paper aims to study the implications of language development in students with delayed language development with the help of a methodological aid developed. This manual was developed for pupils in preparatory class, grade I or pupils who have not mastered verbal and written language. To identify the benefits of the manual created in language development, five pupils from preparatory, grade I and grade IV who have not mastered verbal and written language or who have a delay in language development in the context of hearing disability were selected.
The final results showed progress in the development of language in the students, progress was identified in the emission of sounds and the correction of distorted or replaced sounds, new words were learned leading to vocabulary development, reading and writing skills were developed, auditory-verbal perception skills were developed especially for students with delayed language development in the context of hearing disability. Although the intervention period was short, it had an impact for each pupil chosen in the research.

Keywords:speech delay, language, evaluation, intervention, methodological auxiliary

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2024.10.1.04
Published on line: 03/31/2024
Anca, M. (1999). Probe psihologice neverbale pentru evaluarea copiilor cu cerințe speciale. Cluj – Napoca: Colecția Psihoped – Info.
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Dezvoltarea limbajului expresiv în contextual TSA- Studiu de caz

Dezvoltarea limbajului expresiv în contextual TSA – Studiu de caz

Expressive language development in ASD context- Case Study

Valentina-Georgica POPONETE
Abstract This paper aims to highlight a way of approach for a child with ASD in the field of speech therapy alone, despite the unfavorable forecast (prognosis). The structure of the paper consists of two main parts: a theoretical one regarding the diagnosis and its involvement in the field of language development, and in the second part will be presented a case study carried out over a period of 6 months and with possible future opportunities progress. It is well known that most children with ADS have major language deficiencies coupled with their lack of social skills which worsens (accentuates) the course of further development and, therefore, early intervention can substantially reduce their disabilities. But, in this case study, it is presented a thirteen-year-old boy with ADS and its total absence (lack) of expressive language although the receptive language is at a pretty good level. The main goal of the program was to develop, somehow, (at first hand) first of all, a phonological basis in order to establish a pragmatic (functional) verbal communication. It is known that children with ADS are quite difficult to engage in activities that require focused attention and proper response to multiple requests and what was really remarkable and quite unusual, in the same time, is his full cooperation that led to significant results that will help him in the future.

Keywords: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), language development, intervention, expressive language disorder

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2021.7.2.08

Published on line: 31/10/2021


Jordan, R., (1995). Understanding and teaching children with autism, John Wiley & Son, New York.

Muraru-Cernomazu, O., (2005). Aspecte generale ale patologiei autiste, Editura Universității din Suceava, Suceava.

Muresan, C., (2004). Autismul infantil, Presa Universitara Clujeana, Cluj Napoca.

Sterponi, L., de Kirby, K., & Shankey, J. (2015). Rethinking language in autism. Autism : the international journal of research and practice, 19(5), 517–526. Friedman, L., & Sterling, A. (2019). A Review of Language, Executive Function, and Intervention in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Seminars in speech and language, 40(4), 291–304.

Automatizarea sunetelor S şi Z în propoziţii. Studiu de caz

Automatizarea sunetelor S şi Z în propoziţii. Studiu de caz

Automatization of sounds S and Z in sentences. Case Study


The purpose of this article is to underline the main particularities of pronunciation in case of the children with dyslalia, sigmatism. Thus, in this article is presented a case study, which emphasizes both the assessment process and the intervention approach focused on the pronunciation of S and Z sounds (Romanian S-Z sounds) during the sentences level. Results demonstrated that an adequate assessment and intervention can ensure functional development of S and Z pronunciation. Also, the exercises practiced during intervention are useful not only for speech and language therapists, but also for parents of children with sigmatism.

Keywords:sigmatism, case study, assessment, intervention, sentences level, dyslalia.

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2017.3.2.10

Published on line: 31/10/2017


Anca, M. (2007). Logopedie. Cluj-Napoca: Editura Presa Universitară Clujeană.

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Boşcaiu, E. (1973). Prevenirea şi corectarea tulburărilor de vorbire în gradiniţele de copii. București: Editura Didactică și Pedagogică.

Graur, A. (1965). Introducere în lingvistică. București: Editura Ştiinţifică.

Guţu, M., (1974). Curs de logopedie. Cluj-Napoca: Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai.

Jurcău, E., Jurcău, N. (1999). Învăţăm să vorbim corect. Cluj-Napoca: Editura Printek.

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Dezvoltarea deprinderilor de scris-citit prin metoda Meixner în contextul dizabilității intelectuale

Dezvoltarea deprinderilor de scris-citit prin metoda Meixner în contextul dizabilității intelectuale

Developing reading and reading skills through the Meixner method in the context of intellectual disability


In this paper, we will be overlooking the complex process of reading and writing in intellectually disabled students and the development of these processes through the use of the Meixner method of intervention. Knowing that learning reading and writing is directly dependent on the development of speech, spatial-temporal orientation as well as perception and the processes of attention and memory, along with, as stated in DSM-5th edition, the association of these disorders to learning disorders (non-dependent on intellectual disability), we can easily see the imperative need to use intervention methods, as is Meixner, to correct and enhance language development; Language development, or the lack of development, to be more precise is in fact, one of the primary predictors of reading and writing impairments in students that have intellectual disabilities, thus seen in: a poor vocabulary, slow, difficult reading rhythms, replacing, omitting or adding certain letters or syllables. This, has various and tremendous impacts in all areas of life, if the student does not receive the proper care and specialized intervention as early as possible (early intervention).
In the present case study we will notice how a young female student, with intellectual disability, delayed expressive language acquisition and mixed instrumental disorders, along with reading – writing disorder benefits from a Meixner intervention, achieving impressive results, coming to aid in her difficulty, improving the present disorders in reading – writing / language development, instrumental disorder, having achieved a more active vocabulary, better abilities of focusing on tasks, having remarkable results even in some behavioral aspects (classroom integration, social integration, social abilities, social communication).

Keywords: reading, writing, intellectual disability, Meixner method, intervention, learning disabilities, case study.

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2017.3.2.11

Published on line: 31/10/2017


American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing.

Bartok, E. (2011). Joc-Bucurie- Ochi strălucitori, culegere de jocuri de dezvoltare a abilităților pentru copiii dislexici și cei predispuși la dislexie, Târgu Mureș: Editura Mentor.

Bartok, E. coord. (2010). Eu citesc mai bine, îndrumător pentru tratarea tulburărilor lexico-grafice, Târgu-Mureș: Editura Mentor.

Bodea Hațegan, C. (2015). Tulburările de limbaj și comunicare în Roșan, A. coord (2015). Psihopedagogie specială, modele de evaluare și intervenție, Iași: Polirom.

Bodea-Hațegan, C. (2016). Logopedia- terapia tulburărilor de limbaj. Structuri deschise. București: Editura Trei.

Gagyi, E. (coord.).(2005). Eu citesc mai bine!- îndrumător pentru tratarea tulburărilor lexico-grafice, Târgu-Mureș: Editura Hoppa.

Paul, R. (2007). Language disorders from infancy through adolescence: assesment and intervention, 3rd edition, Canada: Mosby Elsevier.


Reading features in stuttering context

Particularităţile citirii la elevii cu bâlbâială

Reading features in stuttering context


The purpose of this article is to underline the main features of reading a case study of the children diagnosed with stuttering. Thus, in this article is presented a case study, which contains an assessment process and intervention approach focused on reading fluency in the context of stuttering. Results demonstrated that an adequate assessment and intervention can ensure functional development in reading fluency even in stuttering cases.

Key words: stuttering, reading fluency, case study, assessment, intervention, functional development.


Published on line: 15/03/2016


Anca, M. (2007). Logopedie.  Cluj-Napoca: Editura Presa Universitară Clujeană.

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